@mikeand if you are still interested in solving this issue, you could try the following:
with Ubuntu Touch started, open a terminal and make the root partition writable writeable:
sudo mount -o rw,remount /Edit the ril_subscription.conf (There are two files, the FP3.conf should be leading, but to be sure, edit both):
sudo nano /etc/ofono/ril_subscription.conf # and sudo nano /etc/ofono/ril_subscription.d/FP3.confAdd useDataProfiles=true:
# Ofono configuration for FP3 [Settings] #EmptyConfig=false #Identity=radio:radio #3GLTEHandover=true #SetRadioCapability=auto SetRadioCapability=off emptyPinQuery=false radioPowerCycle=false confirmRadioPowerOn=false useDataProfiles=true [ril_0] transport=binder:name=slot1 name=slot1 [ril_1] transport=binder:name=slot2 name=slot2Then save it, selecting the "Nano" keys at the burger-menu above the keyboard and tapping "Ctrl-X", then hitting "y".
If everything is done, reboot the device.