Unfortunately the ones used by android are as specified by BT for android phones, as posted by Lakotaubp in this thread. 1 amongst the many I tried under UT.
RE: No mobile data on BT service
RE: No mobile data on BT service
Hello again,
I installed e/OS and I have mobile data back again. So next step s reinstall UT and see if it is broken from the install. If it is I think I will revert to e/OS. If it is working I will see if it is something else that causes the issue. Waydroid or Libertine containers perhaps.
Would you like me to post back the outcome?
RE: No mobile data on BT service
Thanks for that I will give the /e/OS ago and see what happens.
RE: No mobile data on BT service
Hi Again,
I am beginning to wonder if I have a hardware issue. I have tried these settings. Still no joy.
Am I right in thinking that a hardware issue would also effect SMS and calls rather than picking on poor old mobile data? -
RE: No mobile data on BT service
Unfortunately I have tried all those settings previously and again Today. Still no data.
Thanks for the suggestion though.
Mike -
RE: No mobile data on BT service
I hadn't tried that I will and let you know what happens.
Please find screenshots of config attached. -
RE: No mobile data on BT service
Thanks for those, sorry it has taken so long to come back to you. But no luck with those details, I think they may have been the default ones I tried. I have even tried the settings given for Fruitphones! So far nothing works.
Mike -
No mobile data on BT service
Hi All,
Does anyone have their F3 working on BT / EE. Mine is fine for txt and calls but I have been unable to get mobile internet working. I have tried all the variations of APN setup from BT's help pages for manual setup. Restarted between each and no joy. It did not matter a couple of weeks ago but now I very much need mobile data working. I have my F3 at the point of everyday device except for this one issue.Any help - guidance much appreciated.
Mike -
RE: Locking bootloader re-enabled Andoid!
Hi Luksus, Moem, sorry for the delayed reply, I have been offline for a few days. Thanks to both of you, its sounds like the most likely scenario. I didn't have a chance to post before I went AWOL. But I did try a unlock and reinstall, which appeared to go perfectly. But on boot neither sim slots were recognised and I received a 'No Network' in any app that would address the sim.
To test I reinstalled the latest FP3 android and all worked correctly. I will try putting UT back on tomorrow and see what happens.
Thanks guys for all your help so far.
I will let you know if I stuff up my phone again
RE: Locking bootloader re-enabled Andoid!
@moem Bugger, OK that was the hard way to find out. I thought I should heed the warnings of the risks to 'Software Integrity' Is this a non issue with UT or should I be concerned running with a unlocked bootloader?
Locking bootloader re-enabled Andoid!
Hi all,
My first post here, I have a Fairphone 3 which a couple of weeks back I happily installed UT using ubports-installer on a Mac.
I was very pleased with my install getting it nicely configured as I liked it. Then I decided I was over due locking the bootloader. I carried this out from terminal on my Ubuntu Mac. Low and behold on restart I was back in Android with no hint of the existence of my lovely UT install. It was as if the phone had been clean installed with a new Android install. WTF. Scuse my language, but did I screw up horribly locking the bootloader. Kind of difficult to get wrong even for me, it is only 1 command. Any thoughts much appreciated.