@kugiigi Oh, I got what you are referring to now.
I was just mucking around. I don't sincerely believe this forum is infiltrated by Canonical staff that are bent on making sure UTouch doesn't succeed. Well, not fully -- lol.
I was just upset with C0n57an71n for being a bossy boots. To just cut me down and tell me what I was saying wasn't even worth discussing. That kind of thing really irked me.
In any case, I DO genuinely believe someone told Canonical to quit working in Ubuntu Touch.
Call that "unorganised discussion", call it an "unfounded accusation", call it "rambling" .. call me "stupid" or "manichean" .. whatever -- I genuinely believe (at this point) that Canonical dropped UT for reasons other than "it's not financially viable".
Because look at Sailfish OS. They're making a profit. Look at Fairphone and Pinephone. Look at Purism. They're all still trying. Look at the AOSP community.
Look at how privacy conscious people are becoming.
There's definitely money to be made in open source Linux OS.
Look at the strides Linux has made in the past 10 years. It's the OS of the future (in general), imho.