@Josele13 Give us a link please. Because we can't find TENSHI in Telegram.
RE: Porting Ubuntu Touch (@UBPorts) to tenshi (BQ Aquaris U Plus)
RE: Porting Ubuntu Touch (@UBPorts) to tenshi (BQ Aquaris U Plus)
@Lakotaubp For more questions and faster answers: https://t.me/DH5FB
RE: Porting Ubuntu Touch (@UBPorts) to tenshi (BQ Aquaris U Plus)
@Lakotaubp Hey, i have tested uNav and PureMaps on two devices (16 GB and 32 GB). GPS work fine. It need some minutes and free space (not inside a house) to receive and acivate signal. Then it work very good. Installed is halium-boot-20200326, system-20200326 and actuell rootfs from this page https://ci.ubports.com/job/xenial-rootfs-armhf/ with halium-install.
Camera displayed and switching sharp is possible. But not save the photos. If i need a photo, i use screenshot.
Microphone works, but
very quiet. You can use uVolMan to make it louder.
Next days i will change from Xperia to Uplus as daily device. Hopefully the camera will work next time. -
RE: Porting Ubuntu Touch (@UBPorts) to tenshi (BQ Aquaris U Plus)
@Guf Hi... I try to boot with systempart. The phone do not boot. Still save in the bootscreen.
Before that i try to boot with your rootfs, system and boot img.
Phone works without camera. Now i wait for next steps. Thank you again for your good work. -
RE: Porting Ubuntu Touch (@UBPorts) to tenshi (BQ Aquaris U Plus)
@Guf Hi Guf... Here is a problem with camera. After start the app, i can change to rear and front camera or video. But if i want to make a photo, the blue circle running in the left upside corner until closing the app. Its not possible to save any photos in to the phone or memory card. Maybe it is a permission error. How can i change the permission via terminal ? Because in system setup i cant give permissions for camera, microphone and location. They are listet, but without function. Please help. Without camera i cant use the phone as daily device. The workaround of @peat_psuwit brings a test view like a television test view in the camera display. This test view can save as a photo, but nothing more.
RE: Porting Ubuntu Touch (@UBPorts) to tenshi (BQ Aquaris U Plus)
@Guf Wow ! Sounds very good. I
m surprised. Becaus i didn
t belive the Uplus will included to the installer. Uplus is my phone for the future. Thank you so much for your work !!! -
RE: Porting Ubuntu Touch (@UBPorts) to tenshi (BQ Aquaris U Plus)
Hi Speedy. Maybe you forgotten the reboot to bootloader after flashing recovery an halium-image ? This is the first thing to try. Also maybe was the wrong way to unlock the bootloader. In the last years, i flashed some Uplus to LineAge. Normal unlock via fastboot makes to much problems. Flash was perfect, but the OS shows 180 degrees twisted, like in a mirror. Better way to unlock is the official way via the BQ-Service-Page. You can make a appointment there. BQ will call you back. You need the Model-Number (from the backside of your phone). Say, you need the json-file for your Aquaris Uplus. They will send it via E-Mail. Download the BQ-Flashtool from the same page for Uplus. Install and start it, go to unlock device. In the next step the flashtool aks for the json-file. Add it and go. After unlock disconnect the phone from pc and reboot it while pressing the power long time. Then you can try to install UT again with install recovery. If this way not helpful, take a look to UBports-DEUTSCH group in telegram. There you find me.
RE: Porting Ubuntu Touch (@UBPorts) to tenshi (BQ Aquaris U Plus)
Hi, you still work on this port? I ask, because some important things not works on my Uplus. For example, import of contacts vcf not possible on any ways. Uplus would be my preferred device. But without contacts is unusable. I hope you don't stop the work on this device.