Sorry for the (very) late answer, I have been a bit busy lately
@AppLee said in Seeking advices to start mobile app development:
To be able to achieve most of what you aim for, you'll need to dive into some QML.
Pure QML apps can be more easily ported to another OS even to Android (with some work and patience).
@AppLee Thank you for the advice, I will look into QML then I think that I will start by learning how to make a very basic app on Android following one of the thousand tutorials available though, so that I (quickly) can familiarize with the basis of app development.
@Lakotaubp said in Seeking advices to start mobile app development:
Matrix Bootcamp link
@Lakotaubp Thank you for the link, but I could not join the room with it. Searching around, I found this link : , I suppose it is the same room ?
@CiberSheep said in Seeking advices to start mobile app development:
You can use clickable like
clickable desktop
and test nearly all kind of apps in your desktop.And you can take a look to this course, even it might be a bit outdated (not sure) it will put show you a couple of tricks.
@CiberSheep Thank you, it's good to know that you don't have to have a phone with Ubuntu Touch to develop an app for it. But, as I am a complete beginner, I think I'd like it better, for now, to test what I do on a "real" device, with a proper tactile screen.