Hi folks,
I am experiencing the same issue as in this old post and I can't find any news or answers about it, and the post itself has been locked -> [https://forums.ubports.com/topic/530/i-cannot-received-mms-without-the-data-connexion](link url)
Problem is that, when cellular data are off, I can't receive notification that someone has send a MMS .
The MMS is lost since when I switch on cellular data, nothing happens and I have no way of knowing someone has sent me anything.
When data are on, MMS work fine.
Is this in the to-do list for next updates or do you have any idea on how to fix it?
Thanks a lot
[FP2] No MMS notification when data are off
RE: [SOLVED] VPN: 'no vpn secrets' error
@circ @domubpkm Hey so I'm having the same error code with my Ubuntu Phone VPN connexion.
I changed username and password to avoid non alphanumeric characters.
Do the name and location of .ctr and .key files have any sort of importance?ca.crt has the form:
and ta.key has the form
-----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1-----
-----END OpenVPN Static key V1-----
Both are extracted from the xxx.protonvpn.com.udp.ovpn file downloaded on my protonVPN account.Could the gateway port number be an issue?
Do you have any idea why it still doesn't work?
Thanks a lot for any kind of help or suggestion!Edit1: Note that the password is always missing when I open the VPN editor app, but that could also just be some kind of security. Is that the expected behavior?
RE: [FP2] Screen is a locked patchwork of colors and works fine alternately
@Ingo Thank you for the ideas. This happens at random when the phone is switched on with screen off and I switch on the screen. Then, the colored noise can persist even after reboot.
Because of this pattern, I didn't identify any app as the troublemaker.
Thank you for the fairphone community map.Since following 'https://support.fairphone.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001041206-Troubleshoot-your-Fairphone-2-issue > Display > My display shows a pixel image (coloured noise)' leads to the exact picture of my screen, I suppose this is most probably a known hardware issue.
I followed the instructions on @advocatux link, which means opening and cleaning every inner parts of the phone.
It works again but it has already been doing working - colored noise - working loops so I will keep you informed. -
RE: [FP2] Screen is a locked patchwork of colors and works fine alternately
@advocatux Wow thanks, I didn't find this web page when I looked for this particular issue.
I already tried to open the case and blow dry air in it but i will follow those instructions this evening when I'm back home and let you know if it worked. -
[FP2] Screen is a locked patchwork of colors and works fine alternately
Hey everyone,
I am running UbuntuPhone on my Fairphone2 for several years and all of a sudden one day, my screen goes crazy with a patchwork of colors and I can't use it anymore (see attached image at the end of message).
Even a reboot still gives the same screen issue.
After some time, when I unlock the screen, I might get everything working fine until the screen randomly goes patchwork-crazy again.
This makes me wonder if the issue comes from the OS because sometimes things are working properly.
But my other guess is that this is a hardware issue, which would mean I have to send it back for full check-up since I have no idea where the problem is coming from.
Do you have already seen the same issue on Fairphones or on any other phone?Thank you very much!
Bests regards to you all