Right, perfectly understood. And just to be clear, I have no intention of "robbing" Volla from all the hard work they are putting in.
I have interest in the GS290 for a corporate project I'm intending to carry on and I'm fully willing to port (or fund the porting of UT) to the GS290.
My initial question was to understand the feasibility:
My assumption is that if Volla are basing on GS290 and it works perfectly fine (or at least, reasonably fine) then it's a low-risk project which I can justify the time/budget allocation.
If, however, the GS290 and the Volla are different hardware to the point that porting may be a dead-end, I'll need to treat it as a high-risk R&D project, plan accordingly and probably find better alternatives (which I'm kind'a short on right now).
I appreciate both your answers.