I've reinstalled android and the problem seems to e the same...
maybe the hardware ... I will try a complete disassemble- reassemble to see if something happens...
RE: no cellular network on pixel 3xl
no cellular network on pixel 3xl
Hi there, I'm currently testing the usage of ubuntu touch on a pixel3xl, and everything went ok till I tested cellular data.
I'm in Belgium on the Proximus network.
On my pinephone with ubports, curiously, cellular data works, with '20601' instead of Proximus name, but 3-4G seems to work with the the simcard I want to put in the Pixel 3.
When I do it, the phone asks for pin, accepts the pin, but the network icon remains empty, it doesn't tell it is connected to 20601, but default the APN seems to be correct for internet and MMS...
There are very few settings there, does someone have an idea on how to fix it? I tested the rc and dev channels without success.
Thanks in advance!
tmaes -
RE: Auto flight mode when device sleeps
@AppLee ok I understand your doubts, when I have a bit of time I'll try to learn UBports code and develop a prove of concept (for the moment I only develop in Python). And I'll make some tests to know if consumption in flight mode is considerably lower than in normal mode. thank you for your interest
RE: Auto flight mode when device sleeps
off coursebut discipline is not my greatest quality...
I don't know how much networks drain the battery in sleeping mode (I'm pretty sure it is not negligible) but what I also reach by this feature is the comfort not to be disturbed by network activity (notifications...)I searched a bit the interface and a good place to put the setting would be the Battery setting there is place for one more setting called i.e. 'Disconnect in sleep mode' . I think that this function exists at least for wifi on android.
RE: Auto flight mode when device sleeps
I thought about it too... I would answer because of a bit of laziness and also to lose less time at shutdown (hold the button 3 seconds, validate...), and at boot time (+- 1 minute). What I mean is thus some kind of hibernation in my opinion it would be a useful state between sleep and shutdown. -
Auto flight mode when device sleeps
Hi, all.
This message is some kind of feature proposition, as I don't code (yet) for ubports.
I think that, for people (like me) who don't need to be connected 24/24, but only when they open their device, it would be high energy saving to put automatically the device in flight mode when going in standby mode (as with a laptop in fact).
I guess it would take a little more time at wake up to reconnect the networks, but its not very important to jump on the net in 1 second...
A good way to make it possible would be a setting in preferences 'Auto-flight mode' or an app to make this behavior possible.Or maybe does it already exist?
This was my friday's 2 cents have a nice week end.--
tmaes -
RE: Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!
sorry for the bold text I don't understand how to change it...
My name is Thierry, from Belgium, I'm very new to UBports, and my description is very near of Freco (I've also bought a N5 broken but usable, to stay tuned on smartphones, and learn how to repair it ), active in Open Source for a long time now, using Xfce for my desktops, I prefer velocity rather than shininess.
I code (almost for Blender) in Python and abit of /php-html. And I've never had a smartphone because of Google and Apple's monopolistic presence.
My N5 is for now only for testing, I'm on the dev update channel. At this stage I see that camera application is progressing I'd be happy to help with user experience if needed.
Keep UBports up, it seems very promising!tmaes