@ubuntutouchfan Qt is the UI toolkit, that UT-Touch uses. That means instead of having to create the base logic for common UI elements like buttons and menus, you can just use the ones provided by Qt. To do that you have to use a language called QML. But there is some stuff that can't be done in QML, because it is so frontend focused. So QML has to be combined with another language. By default that's JavaScript, but you can choose to use C++, Python, Go or Rust instead
RE: Programming language for Ubuntu Touch apps
RE: Futify (spotify client) need beta testers
@kugiigi Here you go:
The design guidelines by ubports are somewhat bare bones and need to be substituted by the old ones by canonical at a lot of places. But the two pages on logo design are pretty complete and helpful. They are what I used when designing the current logo.