uText [ Help / Devel ]
@BlueKenny I'm out of my depth with that matter but maybe there's an easier way to handle that (?).
Maybe other devs have some other ideas about how to approach it. We'll see
First thing I would suggest is to not store the binary packages within the git repo. They will cause the history to get very large very fast, and keeping them there means anyone who would want to contribute to your repo will have to download them all, every time they clone the repo.
It would be better to configure automatic building of packages using the GitLab CI pipelines, and have the click grabbed as a build artifact. You can then link to the pipeline job, or directly to the artifact, for people to download it.
@dobey Good point, i will try this
Please try this build, before i upload it
Changes :
Help Button open link to Ubports Forum Text is now selectable by mouse Save disable until a file is selected TextArea is disable until a file is selected Word Prediction is disable until a file is selected Set title as "uText" TextArea get a border and rounded corners TextArea add Scrollbar on right side Show README file at starting
@BlueKenny I'm testing that version now. I'm stuck in this screen after opening the app:
How can I start a text from scratch? Do I need to create an empty text file first with a different app, and then load it in uText?
Hmm Yes...At the moment there is no "Create new file button"
It think i should write this as an Info somewhere ? -
@BlueKenny yes, I think so. It's pretty confusing otherwise
Does the rest Work?
I think i can let it upload to the store?
@BlueKenny what do you think about maybe polishing it just a little bit before uploading that app?
I like uploadingI start translating, but i'm not sure how to make this possible as its pure QML without compiling
I like uploading
I start translating, but i'm not sure how to make this possible as its pure QML without compiling
I don't know about that, sorry (I assume you've read https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qt5-5.9/internationalization.html) and that the answer is not there.
It's going in the right direction
Thanks for this new app.
Some questions :
Currently,- how to exit a file without saving ?
- how to open settings ?
- is it possible to come back to a homepage ?
a file is only saved if you click on 'Save' so you can open as many file you want without modify it.the settings are on the left, swipe from this border to the right to open the setting page (currently in progress, there is nothing except the font size information at the moment , eventually in the nect version you can change this + chosse a theme)
There is no possibility to go back to the first page as you can simply open anothere file, but what are you thinking about a Top List of open documebts so you can choose between them to easy work on multiple files ?
@BlueKenny Sorry for the late reply : too busy.
@BlueKenny said in uText [ Help / Devel ]:
if you click on 'Save' so you can open as many file you want without modify it
Ok if you think it's not too much useful
@BlueKenny said in uText [ Help / Devel ]:
swipe from this border
Ok it missed the morning coffee for me ! I couldn't do it this morning even if i saw your explanation
@BlueKenny said in uText [ Help / Devel ]:
no possibility to go back to the first page
To your last point, for my part, i don't like to much work with several files open at the same time. It's only my opinion. If you do it we must have the possibility to save a file or to exit a file when you want.
But your app can be very scalable : maybe will open (so as to work on them) various file formats in the future... ?