Meizu MX4 problem with update to Ubuntu 16 or android
if it does not help, we will have to find and send you 15.04 version
@Sandro if you don't have OpenStore, Terminal, nor a working adb connection, I think it will be easier to just follow these steps
(Be extra careful using the SP Flash tool
Oh, sorry, I miss the second part MK73 wrote.
-did you install from OpenStore on your UT the Terminal app?
Since I reset the device I only have Ubuntu store and it does not work.-what is your OS you have on your laptop?
Win 7 x64-was it you? who installed UT on the MX4?
UT I suppose is terminal, then yes, it was not installed from factory, at the time i got it in Ubuntu store-we need to know more about your experience to help with the steps to follow!
Basically I don't have terminal and I don't have a working store to get it, I tried to browse the open store website and got a .click file that however no app can open.-You have dev mode in system settings set to on
Yes-and you have passcode or phrase set to use dev mode?.
I have a passcode, under "lock security" there's a checkmark on 4-digit passcode.-What OS is on your pc? If windows this version of adb is best...
You mean 1.43? I got the last one-Try switching off and restarting your device and try again with adb start-server....
Yes, did that countless timesThanks everyone
Will check and get back to you, atm the phone is almost unusable so no problem if it gets bricked, at least I tried
@Sandro you can try this too: Follow these steps and maybe you'll have a working adb connection that way.
Anyway, IMO is better to start from scratch, you'll avoid a lot of headaches
@advocatux you are right, without open-store installed no way to install and without adb any app, sorry for confusion.
Any chance there's SP Flash tool for Windows?
@Sandro I don't have experience with that tool on Windows but there's a Windows version in one of the sites that "we" link in our documentation, so I assume that it's clean (there's a lot of shady sites claiming they have that tool).
So, if you want to give it a try ->
Hope this is the right one: -
@Sandro yes, that's the same site that I linked
@Sandro btw we have language focus groups too (in Telegram and Matrix) so if you want to join any of them, please see the links on
@Sandro lol what happened?
I didn't see you posted the link to SPFlash, now I'm going to try flash the phone if I have the time
@Sandro perfect and good luck!
I don't see any phone in SP Flash, as I understand on the phone I should see a confirmation dialogue to let my pc see sys folders, this does not happen, I can see:
Documents, Downloads, Pictures, Music, Videos.
Also, i forgot to mention that if I try to boot the phone in Fastboot mode it hangs showing "=> FASTBOOT mode..."
@Sandro his may also help. Different phone but method is the same it might also be worth trying to reset the phone first. That will be in system settings.
@advocatux is right you need to start again with a clean install. It sound like you still have the old Canonical Ubuntu Touch as you mention the Ubuntu Store so you will need to follow the instructions given by @advocatux and read the ones in the link above as well. As your on Windows also please try the 15 sec adb I linked to above -
Thanks for taking the time to answer me, well, now i can't but I'll give it a try tomorrow, however i already tried every reset option I found on the device, multiple times, what I think is that there is some kind of permission problem, I start to think there 's no way to solve that as even reset does not help.
If confirmation dialogue is mandatory and theres no way to bypass it i think I'm done trying.
So, any advice for a new phone?
What about Nokia 7.1?Thank you everyone for sharing your advices anyway
Sandro -
@Sandro no confirmation dialog is necessary for SP Flash tool