M10 HD on boot loop after trying usbports-installer
Hi everyone,
I'm still working on this. My situation:
- The device is on boot loop as described originally.
- I'm charging the device on a wall charger before proceeding to the install.
- Previous OS is Android 6.0 but I don't know if this is working any more.
- My laptop runs Ubuntu 16.04.
- adb and fastboot are properly installed (they work with other devices) but they don't detect the device as it is now.
I've been told that flashing the TWRP recovery via flashtool will stop the rebooting and I'm trying to do so. I've installed flashtool and I've downloaded the TWRP recovery image and the UBports recovery image for my device (https://storage.googleapis.com/otas/2015/Tablets/Freezer/Ubuntu/OTA_13_FW_version/cooler-image-stable-6.zip).
I understand the following steps are:
- Charge the device.
- Open flashtool, go to the download tab, select the MT8163_Android_scatter.txt from the UBports recovery image and select "download only" from the drop down menu.
- Hit download then connect the device.
- Listen and watch, wait for red then purple then yellow in the status bar and a final double check.
Sorry for the long post and my doubts but after my initial failure I want to be sure I'm doing it properly, so am I missing something before proceeding?
Thank you so much.
Try Ubuntu touch first ,with Adb and fastboot working, flashing with spflashtool, should get you into a working Ubuntu Touch, then you flash it to Ubports as explained in "Ubport Docs"
When think you have enough charge in the device, go-ahead and try with spflashtool.
Set it all up ( firmware upgrade),and press the download button then connect your device and listen and watch the progress bar. -
@Marathon2422 What's the difference between UBports and Ubuntu Touch? I thought it was the same OS for this device...
I've tried to flash it with spflashboot (with the MT8163_Android_scatter.txt from the UBports recovery image, hope it was the right one) but I got the following message:
"PMT changed for the ROM; it must be downloaded.
Please select Fomat All+Download scene and try again" -
do not use that format all option, it will mess up your nvram (wifi)
Ubuntu Touch is the "cannocial version that m10 ubuntu devices came with #flashing it unlocks your device# then you can install the Ubports version which gets updates and improvements. -
do you have the m10 android firmware , you could try going back to android to fix your rebooting problem.
Then start again.
or make sure you reboot your PC ,so everything is freshened up .and just try again ( using "firmware upgrade "option). -
@Marathon2422 I managed to get back to Android and finally fix the rebooting system, thank you!
I intend to do this now: https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/install.html i.e. use SP flashtool with the Ubuntu Touch ROM for my device choosing “Firmware Upgrade” and not any other option.
After this, I expect to end up with an old version of Touch so I'll have to use the UBports installer.
Before proceeding... is it OK, am I missing something?
glad you got back to a functioning device , now try again, check your os on your PC against the info / intructions about "libris" or "modemanager" just to be sure
good luck -
I've tried to use the flashtool with the Ubuntu Touch ROM following these instructions (https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/install.html#install-on-legacy-android-devices) and previously fixing the modemmanager issue, as per this (https://web.archive.org/web/20180118130643/http://www.mibqyyo.com/en-articles/2015/09/16/ubuntu-android-installation-process-for-bq-aquaris-e4-5-and-e5).
However, I'm getting a #1013 error, i.e. SP flash tool encountered an error while attempting to communicate with the phone via the target port. I don't know why this happens, as I'm using the last version of the tool, the very USB cable that came with the device, the one 2.0 USB port my laptop has (and not the 3.0) and the device is switched off with a loaded battery. I can't try in any other computer, what else can I do?
I had a similar problem back in 2018 although my device was 'ubuntu edition' to start with.
I've just looked up my old post on the forum and found that I was getting an error 1013 too. Here is an extract from my post after finally succeeding with the flashtool:
"It took about five or six goes on the flash tool before it took off. The flash tool could not detect the usb port a few times.Then there was a BROM ERROR : S_COM_PORT_OPEN_FAIL (1013). Research suggested this could be cured by swapping usb port or cable."
You can see the thread here if it is of any use (You'll recognise some of the names
I have usb 2.0 and 3.0 ports on my laptop and I'm pretty sure I would have tried them both, but sadly can't remember which port made the breakthrough.
@ziggutas It's USB 2.0 despite what the instructions said. Thank you!
Ok, with all you help I was able to install (a very old version of) Ubuntu Touch in my device.
A very quick question before I go ahead, is it safe to use the automatic UBports installer now? Developer mode is enabled but for some reason while my laptop detects the device (I can access it from the file manager), UBports-installer does not, so I can select the device manually (M10 HD aka cooler) but I am not sure whether this is safe...
Also, if I go forward with the manual selection, should I "wipe personal data" (unmarked by default) or "flash system partitions using fastboot" (marked by default)? Just asking to be sure!
Did you start the installer before plugging in the device and did you get a pop-up window on the device asking to allow usb debugging?
As you now have a clean, but old, os on the device you don't need to select wipe on the installer. I don't know about the 'fastboot' tickbox but I left it marked by default .
@Angela_92 You should be safe. Dev mode on, permission for adb granted. If you want a double check run fastboot devices followed by adb devices to check your system sees the m10, but thats upto you. Then just run the installer.
adb devices lists it but fastboot devices does not, would this be OK?
What output did you get from fastboot devices ? Was it just nothing or no permissions?
@ziggutas just nothing.
@Angela_92 I don't know. I think you need to see your device in fastboot, but it might be better to hear from one of the others who know a lot more than I do.
You did get the 'allow usb debugging' pop-up window on your device when plugging in to installer?
@ziggutas Yes, I got it. And it finally worked! Thank you!
Yahooo -
It looks so cool! Thank you so much!