I don't see a question here and this is not the thread purpose.
Please check the gitlab for opened issues and post yours :✓&state=openedAnd try to give more details and check for reproduction.
As much as I can, I force myself to reflash with another build which I think worked ; then test.
Then reflash with the build I suspect is not working and check again.Sometimes flashing errors occurs... Or I was the problem
i thought this was the place to discuss thing regarding UT on pinephone if not my apologies. the issue was the same running from sd card and from the emmc
Today's build brings many new improvements to the PinePhone, including performance and the modem automatically starting at boot (as well as auto-rotating the display - although I haven't gotten that working just yet).
Oooh nice
I can't wait to go back home and test it -
#244 I had the wifi disconnect after making a call.
#246 ,,i had to move to a strong signal area to connect cell, after that ,it worked in usuall locations.
Sound quality is good
Screen brightness , set about 3/4 ,( in bright light , difficult to see )
Now to put it on the emmc -
If this would help anyone i made a small script to decrease the power draw of the pinephone until it would be adjusted in th main repo....
#!/bin/bash loadAVG=$(cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{print $1}') threshold=1 highthreshold=3 status=$( echo "$loadAVG > $threshold" | bc ) highstatus=$( echo "$loadAVG > $highthreshold" | bc ) echo $status if [ $status -gt 0 ]; then if [ $highstatus -gt 0 ]; then echo "performance" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor else echo "ondemand" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor fi else echo "powersave" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor fi
I've placed it in crontab at adjust the governor every minute not ideal but it does help alittle...
(you do have to install 'bc' for it to work :
sudo apt install bc
) -
i checked mine recently , about 30% in 2 hrs , (not being used)
@PINE64 I would like to know when the pinephone can be purchased again and with which capacities of 2gb-16 or 3gb-64
@ricardo65 We'll have some announcements coming soon
That's how you make a teaser @PINE64
Can't wait ! -
@AppLee Yes, that's the kind of answer that's probably going to drive people crazy (especially if they're confined to their homes like so many people in the world).
@PINE64 We'll be waiting. Thank you very much.
@ricardo65 We'll have some announcements coming soon
So you're saying we should stand by for the 8GB/256GB Rockchip version? :face_with_tears_of_joy:
@PINE64 Hi. At this point, what is the most advanced esploitation system on the pinephone ?
Mirror on the wall, who's the prettiest of the realm... :face_with_tears_of_joy:
Beware you may not like the answer -
News is still fresh but going viral : -
News is still fresh but going viral : updated the OP with that and with the screen protector info you posted elsewhere. Thanks!
ordered my community edition , only extra $25.00 for DHL.
i had fun finding the ordering part of the page , got there by clicking on MORE, at the bottom of the page,
( could be frustrating) ........... -
@Marathon2422 I went to the site to buy the community pinephone and it only comes out to pay with you can pay with normal credit card ?
@ricardo65 I believe you can pay with normal credit card on the paypal site
It should be an option located under the area where you are prompted to sign in to Paypal.