Mycroft App
In 2018 a click package was created, that click package contained a Voice assistance, known as Mycroft, however, since then it doesn't look like there has been any work on it.
I wasn't sure if mycroft was still a thing that had validity into days age, as in, I haven't seen if it had been updated, or if the goals had been the same, or where there interest is, but after seeing Mycroft being integrated into Plasma Bigscreen this year, I thought, perhaps this and having it on mobile might revive interest in open source AI, and if we have mycroft on our phones and tv's we might be able to do some interesting IOT, creative things?
"Dear Yumi, play the latest UBports Q&A on the TV please"
kind of commands?
Even without the TV, Mycroft might be a great thing to add, and would make the OS a bit easier for those who's eye sight isn't as good, or just for quicker access to quick information.
Either way, I just thought I'd try and see if there was still interest in Mycroft, and a AI on the phone.
Heres the original code from 2018, and the Forum post that this forum post bounced from.
Should be in no?
@Keneda Probably I just put it on the same forum as the last one was in, but your suggestion makes sense.
Just moved as suggested to App Dev. Also this is the link to the Mycroft group on Telegram if it is still going.
Heres the link to our ubports mycroft group:
(App Development is only half of the truth. To fully make sense of it, it probably needs some integration into the system. But app development is okay for now, as long theres a lot to do for a demo app...) -
Voice assistant is I think an essential part of a mobile OS these days, although given the time and resources required I can understand why it might take a back seat .. imo it shouldn't anymore really, its the only thing I keep wishing UT had
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