Anbindung der Konten geht nicht (The accounts cannot be linked)
@thilov fehlt doch trotzdem eine Mehrsprachig abteilung ,für Deutsch und weitere Sprachen.
@Lakotaubp auch ihnen muß ich sagen hier fehlt Mehrsprachig Plätze. Da man nicht allen English so schmackhaft machen kann,wie UBports.von daher bitte Nachbessern . Danke
@carrabelloy Thank you for your appreciation of UT. However a decision has been made that for the benefit of all this forum is to be conducted in English. Yes we know English is not every ones first or preferred language but that is the decision and what we expect. As has been pointed out there are specific language groups on TELEports/Telegram if you prefer to use that. We will not be chasing you round the forum providing translations, all future posts not in English or without at least a translation will be removed. This is for the benefit of all Forum users whatever their language preference.
@Lakotaubp At the same time it is a discrimination of a group that does not give priority to the English language, which I find a pity. I hope that in retrospect people are not excluded from UBports, because then it is 40% of the world. This is my opinion about it. Thank you for your answer. And a lot of success in the english speaking tube of the forum. I think that hopefully a group of people will decide to connect it in German in the same way or to set it up. After all, everyone should get something out of it. All the best for the future
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Problem is if other languages are allowed, all experiences of these users will not be reachable to people that do not speak this language.Fact is english is now the "universal" language, like it or not, that is.
I woul like to talk in my language rather than use english too, but i can't do this, period.
F*****g Napoleon who lost Waterloo... :grinning_face_with_sweat:
Like said @Lakotaubp, use both german and english to post here, at least.
No, there is no discrimination. Nobody is stopping anybody to open a german, spain or whatever forum.
You are very welcome in the german telegram (or matrix) group where you probably will get any help you need. -
@Keneda Watch the language please. You never know who is using the forum.
@thilov I dunk them, I'm already active there. Only I like to read what the rest of them think. And I'm doing fine. Except for bugs like accounts from Google & Evernote. When I am redirected to the Morph Browser the keyboard doesn't come up. Or you want to log in to Google to get the data, which is not possible. But otherwise I am very satisfied with the result. I love my touch already very much. I wish you and all others a nice day. !
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@Lakotaubp said in Anbindung der Konten geht nicht (The accounts cannot be linked):
@Keneda Watch the language please. You never know who is using the forum.
Sorry, I'm taking care of it. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I wish you like everybody here a rain of information exchange.
@carrabelloy That reply was for @Keneda not you, but thanks anyway.
@carrabelloy said in Anbindung der Konten geht nicht (The accounts cannot be linked):
Sorry, I'm taking care of it. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I wish you like everybody here a rain of information exchange.
It wasn't meant for you
But that's something everyone has to keep in mind. -
This post is deleted! -
You've been asked several time to use English in this forum.
Please stop using German or Dutch or whatever, it's seen as spam and I'll have to take measures in order to stop it. -
@carrabelloy Translation please or this post will be removed. You know the Forum rules by now.
This post is deleted! -
@carrabelloy This is not aimed at you personally or the German language but a decision has been made to conduct the Forum in English or for a translation to be provided for the benefit of everyone regardless of ethnicity or first language. This is not the first time you have been made aware of this. We have many language groups available including German which you may prefer using So as I have said please provide a translation to go with the original or it will be removed.
For ref:
Lakotaubp 31 May 2020, 06:28@carrabelloy As has been mentioned to you before this forum is, for the benefit of all conducted in English. There are many different language speakers in this forum and providing translations to each is not possible. So that the vast majority can participate as fully as possible English has been decided upon.
Please respect them and the Forum rules. At the very least you could provide a translation. I will add one this time but not again. In the future not doing so will result in the post being removed. Thanks for your understanding in this matter.
@carrabelloy said in Anbindung der Konten geht nicht (The accounts cannot be linked):
@Keneda nicht jeder muss englisch können und wollen. Dann schreibe erstmal in Deutsch. Dann darf ich gerne auch mal lachen.
Sorry but i don't understand Dutch.
Like said, try to speak english.
I can assure you that i really would prefer speak in my native froggy langage, but it's like that, and that's the way it is ^^If you can't do other way, use translate tool and then paste result here, but that's not up to us to do so.
@Keneda said in Anbindung der Konten geht nicht (The accounts cannot be linked):
Sorry but i don't understand Dutch.
Deutsch is not Dutch, Deutsch is German. I should know, because I'm Dutch.
carrabelloy has been seen using an online translator before, so that's not the problem here. They're just being childish.
@Moem said in Anbindung der Konten geht nicht (The accounts cannot be linked):
Deutsch is not Dutch, Deutsch is German.
@AppLee said in Anbindung der Konten geht nicht (The accounts cannot be linked):
German or Dutch or whatever
I don't understand though moreover don't recognize it :face_savoring_food:
Beside, isn't dutch a germanIC langUage?
@Keneda said in Anbindung der Konten geht nicht (The accounts cannot be linked):
Beside, isn't dutch a german langage?
No, it's not, it's a Germanic language.
It surprises me that a speaker of French (I assume) cannot see the difference between Dutch and German! I would have thought it was easy.
We should probably stop this off-topic conversation... so for now, salut et à la prochaine.