EnVenteLibre, a shop ready to serve for UBports
It sounds to me like that's what Libremax was talking about. An existing store, so that is a separate entity from the UBports foundation.
@Moem But it would still need to be run by someone independent of the Foundation/UBports from what @Flohack was saying. They would then have to do all the financial stuff and donate the profits back to the foundation without implicating the foundation in the running of the that "business" for profit in direct /non direct selling of product.There may be a way round that but it seems very complicated and not something to spend time on just now.
@Flohack said in A shop ready to serve for UBports:
The only workaround would be: Someone founds a separate company or other form of association, does all taxes and stuff and then donates income to the foundation.@Flohack Precisely EnVenteLibre could be that association. So, it seems it is only a question of establishing a contract between the foundation UBports and the association EnVenteLibre.
"En Vente Libre is an association whose purpose is "the diffusion and promotion of free culture in general and free computing in particular". Its action is concretized in particular by the setting up of a common platform with partner associations, aiming at the diffusion (paying or not) of products on the theme of free culture in France and abroad. In a non-limitative way En Vente Libre also carries out its action by holding stands, setting up partnerships or participatory financing of partner associations."
Translated from :
"En Vente Libre est une association ayant pour objet «la diffusion et la promotion de la culture libre en général et de l'informatique libre en particulier». Son action se concrétise notamment par la mise en place d'une plateforme commune avec les associations partenaires, ayant pour but la diffusion (payante ou non) de produits sur le thème de la culture libre en France et à l'international. De manière non limitative En Vente Libre exerce son action également par la tenue de stands, la mise en place de partenariats ou encore le financement participatif des associations partenaires."
@libremax said in EnVenteLibre, a shop ready to serve for UBports:
establishing a contract between the foundation UBports and the association EnVenteLibre
That seems to be the problem.
But I guess EnVenteLibre can take upon themselves to sell products and make donation to UBports.UBports cannot make contract for them to sell stuff.
IIRC Yumi is open sourced so they can use it. The circle of friends might be different...There are designers in the community that might contribute to some designs.
@AppLee said in EnVenteLibre, a shop ready to serve for UBports:
@libremax said in EnVenteLibre, a shop ready to serve for UBports:
establishing a contract between the foundation UBports and the association EnVenteLibre
That seems to be the problem.
But I guess EnVenteLibre can take upon themselves to sell products and make donation to UBports.UBports cannot make contract for them to sell stuff.
By "contract" I doesn't mean "commercial contract" but an agreement of will between UBports Foundation and EnVenteLibre association giving rise to obligations between them.
In any case, it is just a matter of finding the right path for a lawyer, but with EnVentLibre we already have the two points required as a pre-requisite by @Flohack :-
a separate association of UBports
a store already operational
I guess you're right, it needs a lawyer
And as answered in yesterday's Q&A, there are some UBports merchandise at patreon -
Well bottom line is if someone wants to step up to make such an agreement, its easy: they just need to transfer donations into our accounts. Currently however the core team is quite busy with stuff, and so a merch store is not very high on the list of priorities. Since such an agreement does not have any obligations from our side, its really something that does not need high level foundation decisions, just go ahead and do it if you like.
@Flohack said in EnVenteLibre, a shop ready to serve for UBports:
just go ahead and do it if you like.
That pretty much sounds like an agreement of will to me.
@Flohack said in EnVenteLibre, a shop ready to serve for UBports:
Well bottom line is if someone wants to step up to make such an agreement, its easy: they just need to transfer donations into our accounts. Currently however the core team is quite busy with stuff, and so a merch store is not very high on the list of priorities. Since such an agreement does not have any obligations from our side, its really something that does not need high level foundation decisions, just go ahead and do it if you like.
OK, so I'll get in touch with EnVenteLibre and see what I can do.
Email send in french today to EnVenteLibre (Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version))
I am contacting you to consider the possibility of adding the UBports Foundation to the list of associations that are members of your EnVenteLibre platform.
UBports is a charitable foundation under German law, whose mission is to support the collaborative development of the free operating system Ubuntu Touch and to promote its use. The Foundation provides financial, organisational and legal support to the community at large. It also serves as an independent legal entity to which community members can contribute code, funding and other resources, knowing that their contributions will be maintained for the public good.
("Free" translation from https://ubports.com/foundation/ubports-foundation
The English version of the statutes of the UBports Foundation: https://ubports.com/foundation/ubports-foundation/foundation-statutes
The German version, the one that counts from a strictly legal point of view: https://ubports.com/web/content/5674?download=1.)As far as I am concerned, I am a member of the UBports community and I have been entrusted by Florian Leeber, a member of the foundation's Board of Directors, with the task of seeing if it is possible to take this matter forward.
Indeed, a recurring request from members of the UBports community is to be able to have Ubuntu Touch promotional materials such as stickers, badges, t-shirts, ..., while making a donation to the UBports Foundation to finance actions in favor of the development of Ubuntu Touch. This demand can not be fully met through the tools currently in place (Patreon, Liberapay, ...).
It seemed to me on the one hand that the objectives of the UBports Foundation were fully in line with those promoted by the EnVenteLibre Association and the associations already partners of the platform and on the other hand that the EnVenteLibre platform could perfectly meet the wishes expressed by the members of the UBports community.
This is why I would be very grateful if you could examine the feasibility of this project and give me your point of view on the subject and, possibly, concrete ways to take it forward.
With my most sincere and open regards
En version originale
Je prend contact pour envisager avec vous la possibilité d'ajouter la Fondation UBports à la liste des associations adhérentes à votre plateforme EnVenteLibre.
UBports est une fondation caritative de droit allemand, dont la mission est de soutenir le développement collaboratif du système d'exploitation libre Ubuntu Touch et de promouvoir son utilisation. La Fondation apporte un soutien financier, organisationnel et juridique à la communauté au sens large. Elle sert également d'entité juridique indépendante à laquelle les membres de la communauté peuvent contribuer au code, au financement et aux autres ressources, en sachant que leurs contributions seront maintenues pour le bien public.
(Traduction "libre" de https://ubports.com/foundation/ubports-foundation
La version anglaise des statuts de le Fondation UBports : https://ubports.com/foundation/ubports-foundation/foundation-statutes
La version allemande, celle qui compte d'un point de vue strictement légal : https://ubports.com/web/content/5674?download=1).En ce qui me concerne, je suis un membre de la communauté UBports et il m'a été confié par Florian Leeber, membre du Conseil d'Administration de la fondation, le soin de voir s'il est possible de faire avancer ce dossier.
En effet, une demande récurrente des membres de la communauté UBports est de pouvoir disposer de matériels de promotion d'Ubuntu Touch comme des autocollants, badges, t-shits,..., tout en faisant un don à la Fondation UBports pour financer les actions en faveur du développement d'Ubuntu Touch. Cette demande ne peut actuellement être pleinement satisfaite à travers les outils actuellement mis en place (Patreon, Liberapay,...).
Il m'a semblé d'une part que les objectifs de la Fondation UBports était pleinement en phase avec ceux promus par l'Association EnVenteLibre et les associations déjà partenaires de la plateforme et d'autre part que la plateforme EnVenteLibre pourrait répondre parfaitement aux souhaits exprimés par les membres de la communauté UBports.
C'est pourquoi, je vous serais très reconnaissant d'examiner la faisabilité de ce projet et de me faire part en retour de votre point de vue sur le sujet et, éventuellement, des modalités concrètes pour le faire avancer.
Avec mes très sincères et libres salutations
@libremax Very well written !
@Flohack I've just seen that UBports now has its own online shop (https://ubports.com/shop).
Nevertheless, I must inform you that EnVenteLibre has agreed in principle to integrate UBports in its online shop which already integrates more than a dozen projects in the field of free software/ciluture (https://enventelibre.org/en/).
So, please let me know if you think it would be interesting to increase the visibility and popularity of UBports Foundation to also use this community store.