@flohack That's great to know. I'm hoping it'll be successful. I'm just worried because I can't think of recent port to Mediatek devices. First 5G UT phone I guess
Too bad, the form factor isn't really for me. -
@kugiigi said in What do you think about Astro Slide project?:
@flohack That's great to know. I'm hoping it'll be successful. I'm just worried because I can't think of recent port to Mediatek devices.
Really ? Never heard about VollaPhone ?
@libremax I heard about it but I forgot it's Mediatek too
I guess what I have in mind are community ports. -
That's a very good new ^^Will they send you some devices to help?
@kugiigi said in What do you think about Astro Slide project?:
I guess what I have in mind are community ports.
The only one i know is the cosmo one.
For the OS running on PC devices you can go here : https://www.qwant.com/?q=cosmos communicator&t=videos&client=qwant-firefox
^^ -
"keyboard will be laptop equal"
I can vouch for the Planet keyboard having run a Cosmo as my daily driver for the last 12months, that Martin Riddiford chap clearly knows what he's doing. I can only speak from my own experience, mine needed to bed in initially, but now it's quicker than me. Some people have reported some issues, maybe related to early production issues or expectations, it isn't a real 'real' mechanical keyboard after all. Have a look at oesf.org for info and other experience. Personally I am more than happy with mine.
On a desk typing 'properly', in the passenger seat with it on my lap, or thumb typing stood up or reclining on the sofa, it is just so nice. Out of the pocket, instant on, no farting around with a separate bluetooth keyboard, it makes you productive, you look forward to using it. Pecking away at a virtual character behind a flat untactile piece of glass like some demented seagull looking through the window of the local fish and chip shop just feels so wrong now. How did this ever become the norm? I also genuinely even prefer it to my 'real' laptop, which is only a little 11" one, but the keyboard seems so vast and so much effort compared to my Cossie. I came to Planet for the possibility of Linux, but definitely stayed there for the keyboard. UBPorts on Planet Cosmo is the best.
I am watching the Astro Glide or Slide keenly, as I watched the Cosmo and the Gemini before it, it's nice to have a choice. I won't be buying one just now, simply because I am happy with my Cosmo, but if I could justify it I would be in at the drop of a hat. Unfortunately, if I ordered yet another gadget in the current climate or whatever, my loved one would smother me in my sleep.
Planet computer is also doing Q&A videos for backers regularily.
This evening is Q&A day, starting in 3 hours :
If a partnership could have been established so that this device could become a promoted device (and only with this condition of promoted), I would have thought about buying this device which indeed has many assets to please and to last. Fairly high price but price of quality.
@domubpkm That could happen, finger crossed, see this https://forums.ubports.com/topic/3453/cosmo-communicator/15?_=1614206809303
@keneda Yes but Maybe or not. But above all on which Android base? Downgraded on a base of Android 9 ?? That would seem rather strange... And if was even of an AndroΓ―d 10 base, it isn't for now to have something running and reliable..
@domubpkm said in What do you think about Astro Slide project?:
And if was even of an AndroΓ―d 10 base, it isn't for now to have something running and reliable.
Can't disagree ^^
So . . . because my Nexus 5 has serious issues (broken Mic, weak battery, no 3G anymore), and my Pinephone's cellular modem isn't working anymore, I find myself looking for a new device (one that functions well enough in the US); And, I am close to taking a chance with the Astro Slide (because I like the form factor with a physical keyboard [and I am hoping that eventually there will be at least one Linux Phone OS capable of functioning as a daily driver]).
Although, I might just pick up a Goggle Pixel 3a, install UT, and use that as my daily driver for the next couple of years.
Either way I enjoyed reading this older post . . . and couldn't resist commenting.
You could not come more on time as astro first production prototype is just finished ^^
https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/astro-slide-5g-transformer/x/8585444#/updates/allAnd there is some hope for uTouch on it ^^
But, as it comes with android 11, i assume lot of work is to be done when device's out. -
@keneda im a backer...really looking forward to mine
fyi for anyone interested in or already backing the Astro Slide.
Photos of pre production units on display at a recent presentation in Tokyo.
I'm not backing but I'm sorely tempted, (if we can get a decent OS on it :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:).
(Sent from my Cosmo Communicator :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:) -
FYI current state is that it will come with Android 11 base and therefore needs still Halium 11. As no one of us is working on that we kinda hope that they can fix this but lets see ^^
If you could get in touch with them so they, at least, send you one or more device, that would be a good start no ? -
Thanks for clarity Flohack. So for us non-software types we could use an analogy.Android is a disease, (okay, that's not even an analogy, that's just true), UBPorts are developing a treatment called Ubuntu Touch for that disease. Unfortunately the disease has many strains, and it attacks its different types of hosts in different types of ways. Each host requires its own treatment, (port), with its own work and development. The details of this work and development are beyond the likes of me, but lets just say it's a lot.
Many phones have already been successfully vaccinated, and through continued long term support and updates go on to live long and fruitful lives, but many remain infected, many battles are still to be fought. Every day, new victims are found in need of help, but though the resolve is strong, the resources are slim. Without the continued support of valuable donations and volunteer development, many phones will remain infected or relapse with the disease of Android. Through the generous ongoing donations and development efforts of the whole UBPorts community, we can all enjoy a groovy healthy mobile gadget experience. Everyone has a right to a disease free phone, but everyone has a responsibility to work together to achieve this goal. We all must play our part.
@flohack I think fxtec Pro1-X will be the same so maybe they can help each other
Isn't that smartphone already out ? -
@keneda No, it'll ship this November if stars align correctly
Pro1 is the one that's already released which has SD835. The Pro1-X has SD662.