The camera-app is crashing!
Must add that a fix should be released as soon as devs will see this issue, like the few times that kind of things comes with a core app release.
For app development, the best starting point is there: clickable and try a simple hello world to figure things out.
Be aware of a noob issue, if you forgot apparmor policy then when you add it, you also have to bump the version number in order for it to get applied. -
@applee said in The camera-app is crashing!:
Be aware of a noob issue, if you forgot apparmor policy then when you add it, you also have to bump the version number in order for it to get applied.
This is no longer necessary. Newer versions of clickable uninstall the old version of the click package before installing the new one.
Ooooh fancy :smirking_face:
Nice thing, I didn't notice because I was running in auto pilotThanks for the info.
@arubislander thank you for information
@stanwood hello I'm totally new to unbuntu touch managed to flash my redmi note 7 with unbuntu touch ...question is my video cam is freezing when press record button all other works just notice you said about a camera update is that some thing I can install any help would be appreciated
You should create your own thread here : thread is about some problem with last camera update with only some particular ports, that may not have link with issue you have.
@whitemagik Hi and welcome to Ubuntu Touch!
Indeed, video recording with the main back camera doesn't work yet. There's nothing you can do unless wait for a future update, or use the front camera.
For further information, I advise you to read to my Redmi Note 7 state of play, which I keep up-to-date here: -
@stanwood thank you for reply i can live with that no big deal ..atleast i know just all new to unbuntu touch but already liking it
Same problem on OnePlus One, OTA-15. Apparently yesterday was the first time I wanted to take a picture since "upgrading" the app.
@robthebold I would say it's time to move on to OTA-16. And if you want zoom and flash, as well as improved autofocus, you might even want to try the halium-devel update channel.
@moem I agree, why staying on OTA15?
@keneda Because nothing improved with OTA-16 while other things broke. Then with having no way to downgrade back to OTA-15 one can not test newer version to see if the problems have been fixed. This lack of being able to downgrade the OS or apps is a serious problem and the developers do NOT care. They want to make the choice for you, just like google decides how your Android phone should be.
@keneda said in The camera-app is crashing!:
@moem I agree, why staying on OTA15?
Ironically in this case, for stability. I'm usually very slow to make system-wide upgrades, a habit I got into with desktop Ubuntu.
@RobTheBold JFI the camera is fully working, flash and zoom on the halium dev channel for the OPO and I have not found any other major issues except sensors coming and going (as ever), but the choice is yours.
@antidroid said in The camera-app is crashing!:
Because nothing improved with OTA-16 while other things broke.
Nothing's broken for me.
What is broken in OTA 16?@antidroid said in The camera-app is crashing!:
the developers do NOT care
I don't think so...
@antidroid said in The camera-app is crashing!:
They want to make the choice for you
Some choices on uTouch has been made that are very good choice, sandboxing for instance.
Now if thoses "choices" that you dont like, bother you, you always can do WHATEVER you want on uTouch, just make the system r/w and enjoy your freedom.
OK you can't downgrade, for now, but that's not a reason to be mean...IF devs wouldn't care, they would not be on the forum, talking with us, they would not be on a project like uTouch at all, they would be at Google, enjoying huge money each end of month...
@keneda How is cropping (and resizing) photos (and screenshots) going for you?
You took 'do not care' out of context. They do not care about downgrading like is possible with a desktop OS or AOSP projects. You can still download and install the first ever Ubuntu desktop image. You can get old versions of Lineage at least for a couple of versions back. The OS is supposed to be about giving us the choice of what we run.
Devs are rarely on this forum. They prefer to communicate via blackholes where knowlege is not indexed and searchable on the web. Like Discord, Matrix, Telegram etc etc etc. That way they get to answer the same questions repeatedly and anyone looking for the answer must ask rather than search the web.
You can publicly search years and years of Linux kernel mailing lists without any accounts and find all kinds of information on Linux development, but nothing like that for UT development because it is locked away and not indexed. Feels like a step backwards from mailing lists which were honestly terrible but still better than the blackholes being used now.
Sorry for the rant. I'll ltake my leave now.
@antidroid said in The camera-app is crashing!:
@keneda How is cropping photos going for you?
I use the edit feature of the gallery app for that, works fine here.
@moem said in The camera-app is crashing!:
@antidroid said in The camera-app is crashing!:
@keneda How is cropping photos going for you?
I use the edit feature of the gallery app for that, works fine here.
Can you also resize for posting on the forum? Can you crop and resize screenshots?
Your remarks are legitimate but saying devs don't care is not true.
They prioritize.
And with limited resources that's the best we can hope for.You have access to previous system images of Ubuntu Touch, but I agree that's not easy and I never tried it myself.
And mostly there are ways around the issue you used as examples.That why we need more contributors