Let's encrypt internet certificate situation
@keneda Maybe a q&a question?
I faced the issues with FluffyChat application. Neither my own instance of Matrix Synapse nor matrix.org (both using Let's Encrtypt) do not work anymore. The app says "No connection".
Thats the only issue we are facing currently: https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/1838
@flohack Does FluffyChat work for you?
@ezze Yup, doesn't work for me either in the past few days. I was ignoring this topic, I didn't expect I'll be affected this much
I'd have prefered you could ignore it limitless -
@kugiigi I've created the issue in the repo regarding this: https://gitlab.com/KrilleFear/fluffychat/-/issues/184
Hope, we'll be able to fix it as soon as possible because all my personal messaging lives in Matrix. :folded_hands:
You can fix this on the server side by running:
certbot renew --force-renewal --preferred-chain "ISRG Root X1"
(ref). This is what I did to fix the OpenStore app being broken.Otherwise I hear you can blacklist the certificate. Or just wait for the fix for Ubuntu touch to land in an OTA.
@bhdouglass Thanks for sharing this. In my case I had to update certbot from 0.40.0 to 1.19.0 and recreate certificates:
sudo apt-get remove -y certbot python3-certbot-apache sudo apt install snapd sudo snap install certbot --classic sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot sudo certbot certonly --nginx --force-renewal --preferred-chain "ISRG Root X1"
It solves "No connection" issue in FluffyChat but after I input my login credentials I enter an infinite loop between two screens: "Please wait" and empty chat list proposing to swipe... Clearing cache doesn't help.
@kugiigi @Krille Could it be still related to the new certificate?
Nevermind, guys! The above bug with flashing screens is not linked with SSL-certificate. It's some another bug in FluffyChat appeared after a logged out and logged in again.
So renewing the certificate solves the issue completely. Thanks.