OSM Scout Server: offline maps
@ricardo65 said in OSM Scout Server: offline maps:
lately i have problems with osm scout offline, i install the server offline and when i open pure maps or not it opens the map or you see only some brown stripes and no street or anything.i have tested it in rc, devel and edge with the same result.i do not know if it is a problem of the app or the operating system.!
some of it is blank and some of it is with the streets
Is OSM server running ? And did you allow background execution for it ?
This looks like the cache version of previous data from the OSM server. -
Indeed, looks like Pure Maps is using cached tiles and OSM Scout Server is not responding/running. And why, just why, on Linux, someone decided to freeze non-active apps? No such issues on Sailfish...
@AppLee Thank you very much.problem solved.a question that tab could not be activated by default?
New maps are imported and out. Took longer break due to the lockdown and thought that there was no big point in refreshing it before...
Has anyone tried 'Convergence' w/Nexus 5 with OSM Scout Server & Pure Maps? This is the configuration I need!
Convergence never worked on my Nexus5, so don't be sure to get convergence on any device running under Ubports... -
What do you call convergence?OSM Scout Server and Pure Maps are working great on the Nexus5.
Same thing? What do you call convergence? -
The N5 has the ability to work with an external keyboard and monitor. I have never tried it on my N5 either. I have seen reports of it working properly. I suppose it's possible this capability was removed in the process of making upgrades to new LTS releases. I do not know the current status of this feature.
convergence: plugging in a screen, mouse and keyboard and use it like a computer.pure maps works great indeed. but convergence does not, the nexus is not powerful enough...
@magdesign - Your comment regarding the N5 being insufficient is unexpected. I do not know that it is or is not from the perspective of development. However, it makes me wonder what have I observed others accomplish.
@magdesign said in OSM Scout Server: offline maps:
plugging in a screen, mouse and keyboard and use it like a computer.
This should work fine with the N5.
Using it like a computer (i.e. running LibreOffice) here I agree it is not powerful enough (but I don't know many phone with enough juice in order to give this kind of experience). -
K Keneda referenced this topic on
Hi, I was guided to link my current issue with OSM Scout Server to this thread here,@rinigus you might wanna check out
Thanks & cheers, volatius
@volatius Even better location is Github issues
. Replied in your thread ...
Hi there,
anyone ever had the error code 99?
I had successfully downloaded two maps and tried them in offline mode. Everything worked fine. I was very very pleased. After that it was not possible again to download any other maps. It says "Network access disabled". However, the wifi network is on, and I didn't change any settings. Of course I restarted everything a few times.Any idea what happened?
@Taiga-Woods I experienced that today, too.
At the end I deleted and reinstalled OSM Scout Server (rebooted in between).
Everything worked again afterwards and the maps I had downloaded were still there.But I'm also interested if there's another solution...