Bicycle Navigation App Development (HELP needed)
@magdesign You maybe might be interested in helping other app that already support bicycle navigation:
Sure!is the one I am currently using (together with PureMaps).
Missing several simple stuff like:- setting start-, way- and endpoints with a finger
- seeing the height profile of the tour
- seeing more OSM data like where to get water, grillplaces, refuge
- importing + exporting gpx
- using 100% offline
does not seem to be available anymore or at least on my device...
Oh wow ! I I had no idea sth was being done for bike nav ! I'm super duper interested too !
@cibersheep biketrack is still on the openstore for me (i guess not for arm64 @magdesign ?) but very much in the state it was with the last review: it opens a blank page and that's all. I filed a bug report on the maintainer's launchpad and I check the logs. Lots of errors, and I don't know what to make of it. Maybe we can fix this
My guess would be the move from oxide or the update to qt are the culprits, since it happened well after the last update to the app - also the app seems to struggle with qt5 and qml at some point
@emphrath arm64 might be the case
I have no idea of C, more a sysadmin + bash + python artist and like to write documentations. If some of you has the time to explain, I am willing to learn the basic of how to fix/extend this apps.@costales: Should we work on uNav then?
Overlaying waterdrops from OSM and all kind of sustainable things like farmer shops, mundraub locations, weekly market places, shelters....
maybe even a simple contribute button the push a location of drinking water.
I found a great app which is compatible with Linux/Unix systems:
Tried to compile on UBPorts, but stuff is complicated with Clickable and Libertine, gave up after a few hours... it compiles nice on pinephone.
if you are into copiling on UBports, please try out Osmin.
@magdesign said in Bicycle Navigation App Development (HELP needed):
Overlaying waterdrops from OSM and all kind of sustainable things like farmer shops, mundraub locations, weekly market places, shelters...
Not sure how relevant, but there's a webapp which has "themes" to show certain types of things on the map (One theme is "Drinking Water") and where people can contribute to. If you want to add something similar to another app, maybe you could also work with themes like that and use the same format/make them compatible somehow. That way themes from one app can easily be used by another as well.
@spctrl Thanks.
The nice thing about OSMIN is:
- works 100% offline
- has all the desired overlays built in
- has a GPS tracker
- can load GPS tracks
- builds on linux phones
So I installed clickable on my computer and
created a new project with:clickable create
then I copied the whole git library from:
into the clickable created folder.from terminal I executed:
git submodule init git submodule update mkdir build
Now I want to build the app for ubports, but I have no idea how.
The normal command would be:cmake -B build -DBUILD_DEVICE_MOBILE=ON -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++ .
followed by:
cmake --build build/ -j8
I tried with:
but getting following error:
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5RemoteObjects" with any of the following names: Qt5RemoteObjectsConfig.cmake qt5remoteobjects-config.cmake Add the installation prefix of "Qt5RemoteObjects" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "Qt5RemoteObjects_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "Qt5RemoteObjects" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed.
libqt5remoteobjects5-dev and libqt5remoteobjects5-bin are installed.
Can someone please help me on this !!
I guess its something with,
so I need to modify the clickable.yaml, but what would I need to add?? -
ok, I got a bit further, content of my clickable.yaml looks like:
clickable_minimum_required: 7.1.2 builder: cmake build_args: - B build - DBUILD_DEVICE_MOBILE=ON - DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang - DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++ . dependencies_host: - git - clang - libomp-dev dependencies_target: - qtdeclarative5-dev - libqt5svg5-dev - qtquickcontrols2-5-dev - libqt5sensors5-dev - qtmultimedia5-dev - libqt5remoteobjects5-dev - qtpositioning5-dev kill: osmin
now I have following error:
E: Unable to locate package libqt5remoteobjects5-dev:amd64 The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get install -y --force-yes --no-install-recommends git clang libomp-dev qtdeclarative5-dev:amd64 libqt5svg5-dev:amd64 qtquickcontrols2-5-dev:amd64 libqt5sensors5-dev:amd64 qtmultimedia5-dev:amd64 libqt5remoteobjects5-dev:amd64 qtpositioning5-dev:amd64 && apt-get clean' returned a non-zero code: 100 Command exited with non-zero exit status 100, see above for details. This is most likely not a problem with Clickable.
How can I provide the missing package, its installed on my system when I do
sudo apt-get install libqt5remoteobjects5-dev
I get:
libqt5remoteobjects5-dev is already the newest version (5.12.8-0ubuntu1).
Any help very welcome!!!
@magdesign I have not much knowledge on managing dependencies but I believe those packages are being installed in the docker image, not your system so you might need to check it there. Or check on a UT phone since I think the docker is based on UT images which is xenial.
thanks for the hint.
so i started the approach to directly compile on the phone, but there i am stuck much simpler problems:No space left on device
@magdesign Compiling on the device itself isn't ideal as well though doable. I've done it in the past
You cam Seabass2 as it supports creating a libertine container with clickable installed But I highly suggest to just do it on your PC. Maybe someone else can help you with the dependency configuration.
K Keneda referenced this topic on
As @kugiigi mentioned it is best to stay with clickable.The issue will be the same directly on the device.
You should install the dependencies in the docker image and add them to your clickable.yaml like you did.
Simply run a command like this:docker run -it <your docker image> bash
Then runapt install
Quit the docker shell and build your click package. -
Thank you very much for your support !!
I was able to mount the docker image with:
docker run -it clickable/amd64-16.04-arm64:16.04.5 bash
But suddenly I realised that
is not available onxenial 16.04
, nor on thexenial-backports universe
and manually installing from results in an error.So I guess here is the end. I seriously have to think about switching OS after 5 years Ubports...
M magdesign has marked this topic as solved on
You should have a look at 20.04 version of Ubuntu Touch.
Yes your app won't work until the official release of focal but it will be hopefully soon.