OTA-24 upgrade and Waydroid
@talkless in my experience, changing channel breaks waydroid, but I updated from the same channel to OTA24 and waydroid works fine
So I've removed waydroid, installed OTA-24, installed Waydroid using Waydroid Helper app, but.. theres' no Waydroid icon, and
waydroid --help
sayscommand not found
. -
I've tried to install again.
It did install, I can launch Waydroid, I do hear some sort of notification sounds, but the view does not appear - I only see Waydroid app loading forever.
I had a few issues with endless loading screen as well. When I tried running waydroid from the command line it did show some errors though. And it turned out Waydroid installed a mismatching version of Lineage OS as for my device version 17 is needed and version 18 doesn't run (maybe it can, but not without any config file changes etc. as I've been suggested to try but which didn't work for me when I tried).
@zubozrout According to a large wave of recent comments on this forum it seems that the latest WayDroid images no longer work with Ubuntu Touch.
Unfortunately, I don't have any device to test WayDroid on Ubuntu Touch any-more now (my Nexus 5 is not compatible), but in the meanwhile I strongly advise WayDroid users to NOT perform:
sudo waydroid upgrade
This has to be confirmed by specialists though. If this information is true I will post a comment in the installation tutorial.
@zubozrout Same here, I tried Waydroid on my Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro and is stuck at loading screen as well, though on OTA-23 it was running without problems. Didn't try to launch it from command line, but guess that the outcome of that will be the same as yours.
I can confirm this problem. I just installed UT on an OP5T (OTA-24). Then I (2 times) installed Waydroid both via the WaydroidHelper and via the terminal. But Waydroid doesn't start.
Same here. launching waydroid takes forever. Pixel 3A -
I just spoke to Rudi right now.
Can someone brave enough to test:
sudo mount -o remount,rw / sudo sed -i '/aidl/s/2/3/' /etc/gbinder.d/anbox.conf
Then reboot the device and test WayDroid again.
@stanwood I haven't tried it like that but got inspired on Reddit (which basically was aidl2 to aidl3 change) approx. a month+ ago when it first happened to me after a Lineage OS 18 based image was released and it didn't work for me. But I got suggested the same on GitHub: https://github.com/waydroid/waydroid/issues/583 ... Nonetheless I would be interested to know if it works for someone as right now I don't have a place to safely test this.
@stanwood Thanks for your efforts! It seems to work.
@ma Thanks for the good new! I will update the installation post
EDIT: Installation guide has been updated:
I've reported: https://github.com/waydroid/waydroid/issues/628
Thanks @stanwood for the fix, it worked!
Ok, I can confirm too. Not sure why I was unlucky when I tried a few weeks ago. Thank you @stanwood
@stanwood yes, it works! Thank you
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