Call/number blocking wish list
Amazing if this can come true!
I would also like to be able to let some calls go through when on silent mode. Just like alarm still notifies even on silent mode. Maybe favourites in Contacts.
When I'm away from home working, I would like to be able to activate silent mode in the night and still let my wife and doughter to be able to reach me in case of an emergency. You can do that on Android for example.
Will this be built in the OS or an app? If not an app, how can we contribute with money when it's finished?
Thank's for your effort on this very important function!
@dizzy Silent mode / dnd was split into a separate topic (can't find it now though, not sure what happened - if nobody beats me to it I'll probably work on that one too). This one is about blocking specific numbers from being able to call/message you
I want this to be a part of the OS, not an app. As for donations, you can always donate to UBports:
Hi there!
It is a great feature.
In the past I implemented a similar app for Android, and it has features like white/bllack list with numbers or prefix you allow to receive calls or block, and a call recorder too. It was discontinue due to Google limit access to Telephony API each version of Android after 4.4 KitKat so I gave up.
You could create lists using wildcards like:
+551134* Block
*5506 Block
+5516 Allow
....Blist was one of my first Android Apps, so there will be a lot of "worst practices"
but if you interested on look: call recorder could also be nice but is not allowed ind some countries.
Nice weekend for All.
@klh said in Call/number blocking wish list:
@dizzy Silent mode / dnd was split into a separate topic (can't find it now though, not sure what happened - if nobody beats me to it I'll probably work on that one too). This one is about blocking specific numbers from being able to call/message you
I want this to be a part of the OS, not an app. As for donations, you can always donate to UBports:
If it will be easy to shift between "block Blacklisted" and "allow only Whitelisted" then this function could maybe be used anyway!?!
Yes, built into the OS is what it should be!
Are you working for UBPorts? If not, it should be nice if we could contribute to you personally I think. I'm already donate to UBPorts and will keep on doing that yearly. But of cause, if you think we should donate to UBPorts instead we can do that.
@dizzy I'm just a volunteer, no affiliation with the foundation. But if you like the feature once it's done, I'd prefer donations there - we wouldn't be here without it anyway
I think silent mode should be a separate feature - with blocking you won't even know that you were called until you go into some menus so that won't really work even if we turn it into an allowlist - I like to get all notifications after I turn off dnd
@roese-leo Thanks for your suggestion, I didn't think about wildcards!
As for recording, it's a complicated issue that spans multiple jurisdictions (for example where I live it would be perfectly legal to record the call I'm a party in, but in the USA each state has different rules) - I don't think this could ship by default, so it should be a 3rd party app.
@roese-leo if you need to record a call, you can use recorder app, set keep screen on and try, on my xiaomi MI A2 interlocutor's voice is clearly heard.
I noticed with surprise that this command line also works fine :
arecord file.wav
and I created a service/script that record all calls, I've been using it for 2 days, it seems to work, I need to make some changes and test it for a few weeks ...then I'll make a how-to, those familiar with the command line will be able to try it out.
@br1 That's a really nice solution, but please try to keep the discussion on topic
B Br1 referenced this topic on
@klh Hello
Do you have a focal plan or are you working on it ?
Regards -
@domubpkm I have a plan and did some research, but no concrete implementation yet - I do think I could start some tests in the near future though. I'll keep you all updated in this thread.
This post is deleted! -
@klh hi,
I can be part of the work if you wish ( except c things in ofono
), i'm not very much concerned by unwanted calls, only have few sometimes, but i know it can be very annoying for users.
this is something really needed.I've read some Sailfish OS forums about it, apparently the filters are already in place in ofono but lots still to be done:
The enablers are there - our ofono supports sms/call filter plugins since last year (yes, something is happening!). When I designed those interfaces, I had this feature in mind too. If we had enough resources, we would have done the remaining parts already. The remaining parts are (as I see it) 1) on-demand dbus service maintaining white/black lists and logs, 2) ofono plugin (for actually ignoring sms and rejecting/dropping calls) and 3) ui to configure white/black lists and view the logs. If somebody is willing to contribute, I'm could review the code (and the architecture) but at this point it looks unlikely that someone at Jolla would start to actively work on it this year. Unless someone does it during his vacation
slava (Jul 11 2019)