'crazy Volla'
@gt - I have recently experienced similar problems with my Volla as well, seems the Gigaset hardware might be problematic after a couple years of age. Nice to see they gave you a discounted upgrade path to the Volla 22 though.
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@totalsonic said in 'crazy Volla':
seems the Gigaset hardware might be problematic after a couple years of age.
I have never had this kind of freezing screen problem until now. The causes (hardware and/or software, apps) in the case of a problematic Volla may vary depending on the Volla and and remain hard to identify. Or maybe there are good and bad series of Volla like some new cars which always have problems??
I used a Volla for more than 2 years with another OS -> no ghost touches
Then I flashed the same phone to UBT -> ghost touches occured sometimes, 2-3 times per day.
Then I updated UBT with the built-in updater -> no more ghost touches, phone works now fine.
So I think it was NOT hardware related but an old software problem, but it seems to be solved by the last OTA update. But not on a fresh flashed system ftom UBports Installer!So after my experience, everyone who still has this problem, simply try to update to the latest OTA update version.
I'm kind of reliefed to see that others describe these "ghost touches", too.
So far, I just live with it. But with a growing number of freezes, unwanted crashs of apps and system restarts I'm aware that I need to do something about it.
I've tried removing the screen protection once, but that didn't solve the problem of ghost touches for me.
Install Volla Os and see if it runs better. Ubuntu Touch is still under development. Annoying with Volla because it is quite expensive.
I'm facing the same problem, "ghost touches".
I bought the used Vollaphone in June 2022 and until mid-2023 it worked properly. Since then the problems have started, first sporadically and now more and more often.
Lately, I can't even answer calls without first locking/unlocking them with the power button, and some calls have already been rejected, with one being sent the sms "I can't answer at the moment, I'll call you back later".
I decided to change the touchscreen to see if it would work. I contacted Vollaphone to buy touchscreen and to my surprise I received the reply that they don't have any parts available for the first version.I'd like to ask if anyone knows of a phone application like the "xev" programme in Linux distros that allows you to test events when you move the mouse or use the keyboard?
@Carlos Do you want to replace the touchscreen yourself? If so, you might also look for (new or used) parts for the Gigaset GS290. In which countries can you buy?
@sven yes, i want to replace touchscreen. I searched from China to Portugal and couldn't find it.
I'm in Portugal and I can buy in the European community. -
@Carlos said in 'crazy Volla':
I'm facing the same problem, "ghost touches".
BTW: I have seen another Volla Phone (= GS 290) under Android (/e/ OS) and its main aging symptom was: ghost touches. Hence, probably you are facing a hardware problem, not a software problem.
Hello, I also know the ghostly touches. It happens to me about once a week. In a short time, 4-5 applications are started. Mostly when I have the mobile phone in my hand. I wonder if this could have something to do with the high sensitivity of the display on my volla x23. It is designed as a rough phone for glove operation. Even at a small distance above the display (from approx. 1 mm), inputs are accepted. Perhaps the fingers of the hand holding the mobile phone by the edge are enough?
Greetings charly
A curiosity, when the touch doesn't react to touches, if I press long on the touchscreen area between 7 and # of the dialing app, the touch works again briefly.
Mine is a first generation vollaphone. -
Finally, I already had this problem with the screen remaining frozen unresponsive without being able to unlock it on the Volla. The screen becomes responsive after two short presses of the power key (dark screen then lit). Nothing to do with screen protection glass because I've never used that. I wonder if this doesn't happen when the rotation is unlocked: to be observed. Or maybe another software bug that activates under certain circumstances.
@domubpkm Does your Volla support Double Tap To Wake? If so, is the setting on? Maybe you could try turning it off, if it is?
@arubislander No double tap but the fingerprint sensor allows you to wake up and unlock the screen. But I really suspect that the problem comes from the unlocked rotation. If I remember correctly, leaving the rotation unlocked has already created problems on other smartphones.
I have always blocked the rotation, but still have the ghost operation regularly every few days. Strange that this only happens with volla phones and then with different hardware. I use an x23.
Greetings Carly
@Charly said in 'crazy Volla':
I have always blocked the rotation, but still have the ghost operation regularly every few days
Yes, that's exact. I had 'a Volla delirium attack' with the rotation blocked after receiving an SMS that I could not answer (innactives keys)
. A mystery.
Now I've disabled access to the launcher when locked to see if that improves things.
So unchecking 'allow launcher when locked' seems to have removed the bug on my Volla. Which could therefore mean that it is a Lomiri bug (for the vollas only ?) if it is confirmed.
Please test on your vollas (reboot one time your volla after uncheck) and do feedbacks..
I have just checked my settings. But "allow launcher when locked" has always been deactivated for me. -
@Charly The Volla X23 being under halium 12 and not halium 9 like the volla or 11 like the 22, the problems can be even more specific. What can be solved for the volla or the volla 22 might not be solved for the Volla X23. But i confirmed what i did fixed the issue for me at this time..