'crazy Volla'
@Charly said in 'crazy Volla':
I have always blocked the rotation, but still have the ghost operation regularly every few days
Yes, that's exact. I had 'a Volla delirium attack' with the rotation blocked after receiving an SMS that I could not answer (innactives keys)
. A mystery.
Now I've disabled access to the launcher when locked to see if that improves things.
So unchecking 'allow launcher when locked' seems to have removed the bug on my Volla. Which could therefore mean that it is a Lomiri bug (for the vollas only ?) if it is confirmed.
Please test on your vollas (reboot one time your volla after uncheck) and do feedbacks..
I have just checked my settings. But "allow launcher when locked" has always been deactivated for me. -
@Charly The Volla X23 being under halium 12 and not halium 9 like the volla or 11 like the 22, the problems can be even more specific. What can be solved for the volla or the volla 22 might not be solved for the Volla X23. But i confirmed what i did fixed the issue for me at this time..
It's hard to test this because "crazy volla ghost" only happens occasionally. -
@domubpkm I have a FP4 and it also happens. Rebooting seems to fix it for 1 or 2 days
Yes, the volla that goes crazy with multiple apps opening without doing anything is a real mystery. It doesn't happen often and fortunately, like the unresponsive screen freeze. 2 restarts of the volla may be necessary to fix this. A thorough cleaning of the screen is always welcome as I don't know if it could be an electrostatic reaction of the screen...
Well,kl.k ä n j
My phone is bare ly ubskmkl äl ukhs usable anymore because of this scary ghost touches. I just wanted to sign in to an account and gave up after 15 minutes.As you can see by the text above, sometimes I can write stuff, sometimes it just types nonsense by itself or doesn't response at all. Sometimes it is messing with my configurations (e.g. by turning stuff in and off through the head bar; wifi, sound, etc). More and more nothing works at all.
I don't have the capacity at the moment to set up a new ubuntu touch phone. And I've never used or want to use any Apple or Android smortphone. I hate this at the moment. And the fact that nobody seems to get how the ghost touches appear makes it so weird; often enough I thought someone else is messing with my phone remotely.
PS: didn't expect to get this far with typing after the start was very very not promising. I need to turn off the screen a lot in between to be able to type
I also have a Vollaphone with same "ghost touch" problems. I decided to change the touchscreen myself and contacted Vollaphone to buy the touchscreen, but the answer was that there are no parts available.
I then found the courage to disassemble the Vollaphone, I take note of part-number of touchscreen and did contact cleaning on connectors. It worked well for some days.
Now I am waiting for a spare that I ordered and maybe fit this model. -
Wow, that's brave.
I haven't had any crazy volla signs for a while. The reasons for crazy volla are not yet clear to me. I suspect it is due to the high sensitivity of the display. I'm told it can be operated with gloves. Maybe it's due to static charge on the rather thick display protection film? It could also be a software bug. Maybe we can narrow it down together. -
@Charly There could be several reasons: a static overload of the touch screen (I do not use protective films in my case) and also one or more software bugs which would be triggered under certain conditions.
In any case, regular cleaning of the screen is recommended and one or two restarts of the Volla are the solutions that work in my case. -
Since yesterday, the screen freezes very often. No more explanation.
Please test uninstalling the registered fingerprints and disabling the fingerprint sensor and restart the smartphone. Did everyone who has the problem have the fingerprint sensor enabled?
My second suspect is an app that I completely uninstalled.
In any case, stability is now perfect under OTA-5 since some days...
Thank you for thinking of me.
I have never used the fingerprint sensor and have not found any settings for it. Where are they?Which app do you suspect?
After the OTA-5 update, i had the feeling that crazy volla had increased. but i was traveling and used the phone more intensively. Now i'm back at home and crazy volla is less frequent again at the moment. we should keep at it.
@Charly I will never throw an app on the forum!! Especially if the problem does not come from there, i'm not sure. I will give you the name in a private message but above all never mention this app negatively on the forum. Okay ?
Sorry, you are right
I have problems with these "ghost touches", too. I tried to find a way to disable the fingerprint sensor, but I cannot find anything about this on my Vollaphone or in the internet. Where can I disable the fingerprint sensor?
Has someone found a solution for the ghost touches problem yet? -
@musicologist You could try Settings -> Security & privacy -> Locking and unlocking -> Lock security and then toggle off the switch for fingerprint under Biometrics.
@Ian , thanks! I found out that Biometrics are disabled on my phone and that there is no finderprint ID installed. So the finderprint scanner cannot be the reason for the ghost touches.
Has anyone found a solution (or a workaround) for the ghost touches problem? (The funny thing is: I already owned my Volla for a year before the problem surfaced. Now, with time or with each update, the problem seems to get worse)