Struggling with Telegram.
@3arn0wl Are you registered already on Telegram with this No?
I thought you'd sorted me, @advocatux! I hadn't deleted the .cache file. But no, it's still hanging on the phone number input.
@Flohack - I think I've used this number with Telegram, yes.
@3arn0wl sorry for asking again but did you reboot the phone? This step is very important.
I followed your instructions to the letter, @advocatux - I'll try it again.
Nope - it's still hanging on the phone input page.
@3arn0wl sorry to hear that. The Telegram app version you're trying to run is, no?
Yes it is, @advocatux.
@3arn0wl I got I new idea! Search in
if there's an old telegram folder. -
Well well well, @advocatux! You get the Saturday evening prize for finding folders!!
That got me through to the sign in page, and I got a code, but it then didn't do the last bit.
@3arn0wl oh so close... Did you delete that folder and the other two in
and followed "my instructions" again? -
There are rare cases where Telegram does not find all datacenters. Can you please install logviewer App and make a log upload right after it hangs, and send the pastebin link? thx.
@flohack I don't know whether I've done this correctly - it's a bit new to me:
I did, @advocatux
@3arn0wl Yes clearly it can be seen that it wont connect to all DCs - where do you live?
I'm sorry to be causing so much trouble, @flohack.
I'm in Cambridge, UK.
@3arn0wl do you have the same problem connecting via data and via wifi? Do you use a VPN?
Have you tried to run Telegram while using different wifi networks?
Hey @advocatux - thanks for getting back to me. I had no problem running Telegram before on the same setup... except that it would allow me to assign a username.
@3arn0wl I'm out of ideas then.
Well, a last one before you send the phone to an exorcist
are you entering the phone number in the international format (
+(country code)(city or carrier code)(your number)
)? -
I am, @advocatux - and it's a number that I registered with Telegram just before I deleted the account, because I'd recently changed my sim.
I'm slightly worried that I might have deleted a telegram folder that I shouldn't have, on the assumption that the OS wouldn't have come with any Telegram folders... I can't remember whether it was in .config or .cache, but it was something like "Telegram World"... If I need that folder, how can I get it back?