Latest update on Nexus 5
I'll second that!! @marek_python
@marek_python @3arn0wl
Thanks to @rubencarneiro 's work for splash screens : thanks to others devs for integration in last update.
I actually think that this is an important thing... It's hard to persuade a newcommer that this wonderful OS of ours is spy-free, if the first thing they see writ large, is Google's name.
@3arn0wl I'm with you on this. Anyone new to UT gets little bit put off by having Google logo on splash screen when they reboot or run on the phone. No more now. The phone is now truly Google-free.
@marek_python said in Latest update on Nexus 5:
The phone is now truly Google-free.
Not exactly; UT still use android drivers on nexus 5 and others currently supported devices.
In near future hopefully, with pinephone and librem5, it will be pure ubuntu phones. -
Latest update means latest dev update ?
Is it that ? -
@domubpkm I believe it is yes
@domubpkm Also in RC
@domubpkm Yes, meant dev channel.
@libremax Indeed very beautiful Ubports black logo
on RC for NEXUS 5. Just went today. Not yet on RC (on dev ?) for BQ E5 HD.