Branding UBports: OS name / Project Logo / Project Name
@CyberAly There is no particular issue in building an OS upon what they have created, like ElementaryOS or Linux Mint did (well, in the LM case there have been a few).
But we can't use their name to promote ourselves. That's set in stone in their policies.
The most we can bring the Ubuntu name back is to keep that "ub-" prefix. Any usage of "ubuntu" or "-buntu" suffix is strictly forbidden. Using a "u-" prefix is not explicitly forbidden, but Canonical has already moved actions against such usage in the past.It could be possible to ask Canonical to make "Ubports OS" an official flavour, but I can't see any real advantage in doing this. UBports would probably have to accept certain restrictions (e.g. in governance, I suspect), just for using the "Ubuntu" name. It is not worth, in my opinion.
UBports has already had a discrete coverage on the internet, so I don't believe they should completely wipe their current name away, at least for what concerns their team.
However - and I think it's a shared feeling here - the OS should really get its own brand and identity in future. To clarify my previous words, in case of emergency "UBports OS/Touch" could still be a valid fallback solution.
Pourquoi pas UT-OS ou Touch-OS, nous aimons tous Ubuntu et c'est pour cette raison que l'on a fait confiance à UT (abréviation que nous employons souvent
). Maintenant on ne sait pas vraiment si Canonical voudrai bien nous faire don de ce nom (Ubuntu Touch). Mème si celà les rapproche de nous par le biais du nom, les gens feront la différence entre UT et Ubuntu de bureau. Cananical nous à mis l'eau à la bouche (expression française) pour nous la retirer ensuite, ils peuvent nous faire ce cadeau pour des passionnés qui sont toujours fidèle à Ubuntula.
Why not UT-OS or Touch-OS, we all love Ubuntu and that's why we trusted UT (abbreviation that we often use). Now we do not really know if Canonical would like to give us this name (Ubuntu Touch). Even if it brings them closer to us through the name, people will make the difference between UT and Ubuntu office. Cananical we put in the mouth (French expression) to withdraw us then they can make us this gift for enthusiasts who are always loyal to Ubuntula.
but it should be not a to cool awesome name !
all linux distros with too coooool names are death... examples : libranet bogus yggdrassil...;) -
@mike said in Branding UBports: OS name / Project Logo / Project Name:
but it should be not a to cool awesome name !
all linux distros with too coooool names are death... examples : libranet bogus yggdrassilFRENCH
Mais bien d'autres ont réussi comme Mandriva, kubuntu, Mint, Achlinux, etc. Mais à nous tous, nous devrions trouver un nom accrocheurENGLISH
But many others have succeeded as Mandriva, kubuntu, Mint, Archlinux, etc. But to all of us, we should find a catchy name -
Now i have an idea for a name.
It can stand for both Ubuntu Touch OS or UBports Touch OS.
That name is even free.
UBOS would have been good too, but there alreaydy is UBOS Linux...
Branding of linux distro is IMHO mostly based on packaging system, so question about name of system should be derived out from question: do we use packages anyhow connected to ubuntu? and for now answer is: yes, because AFAIK our development tools are from ubuntu desktop linux, and also at-least here we assume developer for this system would have ubuntu on desktop
And if it comes to suggestions geeky name UB3 crossed my mind at current circumstances (suggesting that U'll be free with this distro
If we achieve freedom from desktop distributions and still would like to have some (well hidden) link to ubuntu, we may generate new name the way they did - for instance "mobile" (adjective) according google translate in zulu is "hambelayo" or "bukhali" for "smart" and "thintana" is verb for "to touch / to contact"; but we also can go completely our way - same as ubuntu and basically everyone did when derived from debian - for instance showing that this is "the linux distro for mobile devices": molix, mode linux, or just smartdev linux / touchscreen linux etc ...
I think it would be nice if it could continue to be called Ubuntu Touch, but if it can't maybe UBtouch would be a good candidate? Or else if something more distant from Ubuntu like Libre Touch, Free Touch or Open Touch?
I'm still ok with UBports as the name as well, but i think that over time it might be more and more misleading since it is probably going to be less and less about porting someone else's OS to more devices.
@thepeter Bukhali sounds nice somehow, and U and B are still in
@Flohack said in Branding UBports: OS name / Project Logo / Project Name:
@thepeter Bukhali sounds nice somehow, and U and B are still in
Reminds of bukkage also it is used as surname so probably not best of choices.
Ubuntu Intellectual property rights policy clearly states:
"Any redistribution of modified versions of Ubuntu must be approved, certified or provided by Canonical if you are going to associate it with the Trademarks. Otherwise you must remove and replace the Trademarks and will need to recompile the source code to create your own binaries. This does not affect your rights under any open source licence applicable to any of the components of Ubuntu. If you need us to approve, certify or provide modified versions for redistribution you will require a licence agreement from Canonical, for which you may be required to pay. For further information, please contact us (as set out below)."
So it's in this community, and project, interest to keep the distance from Canonical-Ubuntu trademark to avoid legal problems.
UBports is not bad, but I prefer something like Convergence OS or whatever synonym you like about the convergence concept.
P.S. If you want to dig deeper in how Canonical is willing to employ its Legal Department, look for their actions against OVH, Linux Mint, or even how they use the trademark law to target a site critical of Ubuntu privacy ("Fix Ubuntu" site).
perhaps it's an interim name. it's quite description of what's going on. perhaps the project should have a community contest to come up with a long term name.
In means of convergence verb "to converge" should be Guqula according to google translate. (btw system > uhlelo)
While giving it a deeper thought, question may also be: What do we want to express by name of the system? and since there is not yet longterm goal besides make the system working, that might be a very difficult question to answer.
@Flohack : example of words starting with ub in zulu or those which contains ub
There's always Mobuntu (mobile + 'buntu)
I think I'd prefer something a bit more outside the box, though. Something creative that pinwheels from a stream of consciousness word association.
eg Niles > Nilesy > Nilesy-Wilesy > Wile E Coyote > The Coyote (from an old episode of Frasier)
Cell phone > Cell > Perfect Cell > Dragon Ball Z > Android Saga > Android > Red Ribbon Army > Red Robin > Red Robin OS! ( a few copyright infringements there)
I don't think I have the answer, but trying to push the discussion a little further.
Gesture McSwipeyFace OS?
What about Open Orange Linux? Orange comes from color, that is mainly used in Ubuntu's theme and symbol. Or we can leave orange behind and use lemon or another fruit, because they are colorful and tasty.
Yeah, and get sued by Orange carrier
I would go with something abstract or a single word used in everyday. And make it not contain "Open" or "OS". It's very generic in my opinion.
Unless we can stay with Ubuntu Touch, as this is recognizable an I am for sticking to this name as long as possible.
About Canonical letting the OS down - well, I think it is more important that they created Ubuntu Touch. Without them Ubports would not exist. And - so far - the OS is still Ubuntu, just became unofficial flavour. It is still planned to be upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04 and not diverge away.
@Mitu said in Branding UBports: OS name / Project Logo / Project Name:
Yeah, and get sued by Orange carrier
I would go with something abstract or a single word used in everyday. And make it not contain "Open" or "OS". It's very generic in my opinion.
Unless we can stay with Ubuntu Touch, as this is recognizable an I am for sticking to this name as long as possible.
About Canonical letting the OS down - well, I think it is more important that they created Ubuntu Touch. Without them Ubports would not exist. And - so far - the OS is still Ubuntu, just became unofficial flavour. It is still planned to be upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04 and not diverge away.FRENCH
Mitu a raison, si on peut garder UT, se serait l'idéalENGLISH
Mitu is right, if we can keep UT, would be the ideal -
One other this that I noticed when I looked at it again was the fact that the time on the two clocks is different in the picture. This does not give a good idea of consistency to anyone looking at it.
Just to add another proposal:
"Community Based Operating System for Mobile Devices" or short: CoBOSMoD
And the logo should necessarily include an 'O' -
my suggestion is "TOUCHY"
If it needs one how about Utouch.