swipe to go back
Think that the UI is thought for being used on mobile devices and desktop and that swipe doesn't converge well.
I have currently no idea how to solve this. Only know that iOS doesnt have a global back button too...
@makeixo IMHO this is not an issue.
On mobile with on e hand I can reach the back button easily (left hand) or with mild effort (right hand).
Like @kugiigi I implemented a custom gesture in my app (domotciz) but it is used to switch views.But as @Krille pointed out, many apps use list views. This widget is so useful that I won't sacrifice it for a back swipe...
From my point of view (and without any judgement) this is a bad habit coming from android users.
I had this temptation at first, but UT is not an android clone, it's much more with it's own UX choices and it's solid.Many an idea to improve UX is to borrow gestures from palm with their alphabet... it was so great. A 'B' can mean 'go back'...
@CiberSheep said in swipe to go back:
Think that the UI is thought for being used on mobile devices and desktop and that swipe doesn't converge well.
This is irrelevant, because on a PC there are other ways to interact (though also, some PCs have touch screens, so swipe would be fine on theme too). For example,
key should perform cancel or go back action. -
@Krille I don't think that every idea, which pops up has to implemented immediately. Furthermore, I imagine there are other issue which have priority, but maybe in 1 or 6 months you get an idea how it could be done.
In my personal opinion having some gestures like that would be nice or the least wouldn't harm.
Maybe that's something ubports shouldn't care about. One of the best apps SailfishOS has is the patchmanager. This way the community can write and install patches/tweaks which modifies the UI etc... I don't know if that's possible at UT, but it could be an option as well how users could adjust the UI to their needs.
@kugiigi Thx!
I will look into that tomorrow!
@dobey said in swipe to go back:
For example,
key should perform cancel or go back action.Esc already goes back now
@kugiigi I only can test Palitan, because I don't have Facebook. I don't understand what you mean. If I go to the settings I have to press the "back" button as well or do you mean the list (favorites, convert, full view) on the bottom?
What if you press the screen, hold it a second and then you swipe to the right to go "back"? Morph Browser works similar to that.
There also could be a little swipe from the down-right corner. -
@makeixo The buttons in the header are still available for tapping or clicking but you can also swipe from the bottom to trigger those buttons depending on which side you swipe from. It's not a replacement per se but more of an alternate way of navigating especially useful for touchscreens and phones
@kugiigi Ah, yes now I get it. Nice! It's a great app by the way.
Maybe you could swipe in from one area of the bottom or right edge some little navigation buttons "back" "to the top" or something like it.
@makeixo As your mock-up shows, floating buttons like this tend to be problematic as they cover up content in the application. Also, as the list items can be swiped right and left for accessing actions, and swipe from right edge is for switching apps, such a swipe might be problematic in general.
IMO, it would be better to find a more responsive design solution to this difficult problem.
@dobey I wouldnt be that worried about that it covers up some parts, because you just swipe them in if you need them and after that they vanish.
Where I do agree is, there is most likely a better way to integrate it.
@makeixo What about a double swipe? Or a two finger swipe?
I once had in my android phone some swipe bar on bottom where I could do following..
-swipe right I could get back
-swipe left to access currently running apps
-swipe up to get home screenI had bottom bar disabled and this tiny bar on very bottom of the screen. Worked beautifully.
Maybe something like this could work UT also.
I think this is mostly a promblem of app design. 60% of my back button usage on an Android device is to switch the previous app, and this is handled fine with a quick flick from the right in UT. The rest is mostly use as a navigation aid, especially navigating backwards in the browser history. I would rather Morph (and other apps) move the navigation bar to the bottom edge, than add complicated gestures to the screen edges.
Really the example of Pebusk is a good one because the simple fact is we have only 4 screen edges
top: indicators left: app drawer and dock right: app spread
leaving the bottom edge for apps.
Holding a phone one handed the bottom half is far more accessible to your thumb than the top half, so that's where important contextual actions should live.
If all apps moved the top bar away from the indicators (where there is accidental interference between the two) and simply to the bottom edge, UT would be better off for it.
@Giiba I totally agree, it is a matter of app design.
Because depending how complex and app is some solution might be interesting or completely stupid.
So it should be up to the developer to create a good user experience.As for the system it already provides a very good experience with those gestures.
Trying to add a single way of doing apps with a single look'n'feel is restrictive and against what I consider free software should be.The debate is still very interesting and I may use some of ideas that popped up here
@AppLee I would agree that we don't want to force the UI of apps into any sort of cookie cutter form, but I think leaving one edge for app use and encouraging use of that edge in apps is a good path.
For my examole of Morph, I would love for there to be an app option to move the top bar to the bottom. In Pebusk, I think the design works great. However try out uText and it's swipe from left options menu, and you can see why apps should use the bottom edge (nothing against uText, I love the app).
@Giiba I agree on that,
Bottom edge is a nice feature, easy to implement and I use it all the time.
When I happen to use another OS I always try swipe from bottom to access options or hidden features. -
@marlboro50 It's not up to me to decide. I don't have the knowledge what's can possibly be implemented either but putting ideas on the table is - in my opinion - not bad
@Giiba said in swipe to go back:
Really the example of Pebusk is a good one because the simple fact is we have only 4 screen edges
There are only 4 screen edges but maybe one screen edge can provide more action than just one.
On my SFOS device I can access the quick settings or close an app both from the top edge. I don't know if that would possible on UT as well. I just want to mention that there is maybe still space to implement things.