Daily driver?
Iβm waiting for OTA 13 for UT to become my daily driver phone as I need Bluetooth in car as well as sign on to my google account and sync it with my calendar. Those 2 features should indeed be fixed in OTA 13.
Nexus 5 as daily driver with UT's RC channel for about 6 months. Satisfied 'customer' so far. Back when Canonical still developed Ubuntu Touch, I played with the idea of buying the first UT phone: BQ Aquaris E4.5 (2015), but eventually didn't. I'm glad to have finally boarded the UT train now
@augustblake Daily driver on my Nexus5 since May. Still have a second phone with Android for banking though..
Nexus 4 with UT 16.04 OTA12 as daily driver for about 3 months now, works fine except the wifi hotspot
After installing UT on a spare device, I put my SIM into the phone to try it out for a week or so. I think that's two months ago now. :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I'm using a OnePlus One. -
Awesome, thanks guys
i think ill order that simcard.
Daily driver since March 2015 (BQ E4.5 and N5)
N5 as daily driver since last year, stable for now!
I used BQ E5, Nexus 5, Oneplus One and now finally Nexus 6P as daily, for over 4 years now...
Ubuntu Touch has been running on my daily driver for almost 2 years now - first with a OnePlus One, and now with a Meizu Pro 5.
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@augustblake using UT since 2018. First on N5 now on FP2 and PinePhone. N5 and FP2 are - for my use case - daily driver ready except for the bluetooth issue with most car audio systems (not being able to take and answer calls hands-free), so for me this are the 10% missing. PinePhone for me, has quite a way to go to become daily driver ready.
I'm a daily user of UT since 2016. First an BQ Acquaris E5 (model from memory), then a Nexus 5 and now an OPO. The OPO's bluetooth can send and receive phone calls from my car right now.
Only thing missing is some apps that my municipality only provides in Google Play and Apple store, with Google location services or else it doesn't work, really sad for a public institution.
I use my BQ E4.5 as my daily driver since 2015
I have been using UT on my daily phone (not only) since September 2015. First a BQ E4.5, now a BQ E5 HD (old but very stable and reliable) but it will change..
Very happy with UT. -
@wgarcia Bluetooth reliability in car kits should be mostly improved, if not fixed, in OTA 13
i have been using Ubuntu Touch since 2015, used the Ubuntu version BQ 4.5 until it broke, then Nexus 5 and Aquaris M10 Ubuntu Edition, until now...
Daily driver since 2015 (BQ E4.5, E5, OPO and now the 3t).
Well currently I use lineageOS because of ThreemaWork (since covid19) until I get an IPhone for work. -
I have been using UT since 2018 as my daily driver. The first phone is/was the Nexus 5. Now I have a Nexus 6P too and it's the daily driver for the moment. I also have a Pinephone but it's not stable enough for the time being
@augustblake DonΒ΄t have a long history (only 6 weeks) but IΒ΄m fine with my VollaPhone/GigaSet on UT and it is getting even better every day.
Many thanks to all of you out there. You are doing an awesome job! -
Use my Aquaries E5 since the beginning as my daily driver. Mostly running dev channel. Never a problem. My Pinephone is not there yet. Still hoping though. Keep up the good work.