Intransparent and incomplete maturity ranking?
A ranking of maturity is fine. But on what is this scale based on in detail? Furthermore, many newer ported devices are missing on this scale, for instance the Xiaomi Poco F1 Beryillium.
Yes. Vollaphone and UT on it 100 % mature ??????
What does it mean exactly ? -
We are working on improving this. Currently that value was a guesstimation, I agree. Hold on until we launch the new devices webpage, where you will also see detailed explanation about what works and what not
This is a work in progress.
The first stone was layed down last spring see there : -
As for the ubports websites rebuilding (i see things are going on, VollaPhone added to supported devices, and better translation, at least in french) this should be a top priotity.Don't take it the wrong way, i do not intend to be mean.
But new comers to uTouch could be really disapointed, if not angry, trying to use a "100%" or so supported device from this list, then see it's not and they can't do things they "should", and just quit uTouch because of feeling misled.
People are like that.
It's understandable and probably part of the top priorities.
But that's the thing with priorities ; no one has the same as one another... :man_shrugging:Providing a good, reliable, up to date documentation, providing a good, reliable user experience, providing a wide, up to date choice in hardware.
One can only do so much...Some people are around for years testing UT from time to time to see if we came up to an OS they can use as a daily driver. Some other jumped right into it.
A user base is very important, but what this community needs right now is more manpower so more can be done on every front.No so long ago I remember you saying that we need to focus on the PinePhone because it has the potential to bring a lot of people. That's true, but sadly not as many devs came onboard to help as expected... (from the latest Q&A)
Every battle is worth fighting for, but we lack the troops.
@applee said in Intransparent and incomplete maturity ranking?:
providing a good, reliable user experience
UT provides that, at least for me and my use since 2015, because i have well supported hardware : what hardware to choose is kind of a base for someone to come to UT, so, people would not be afraid or worst when they come to see that a device marked 100% is not 100% working.
So i talked about website building to present that clearly, not ubports utouch that is over anything (and pinephone is a great project to push yes).
@flohack 100 % fat-free! I've seen this for 100 % glucose lollipops ! It's for sure !!! Watch out for the 100 %
@domubpkm Let's make our own ranking, which is open, friendly and community driven. For Postmarket OS devices, there are for instance Wiki pages, where everybody can make updates themselves, as far as I know. But these pages are located at the postmarket OS org. Where can we locate these Wiki pages?
@peter-gamma So you imply we are not open, friendly and community driven?
@flohack said in Intransparent and incomplete maturity ranking?:
Forum masters a free to do what they want or not. But sometimes the question arrises in me: To people post to answer a question, or do people post, do make a poster stop posting?
@peter-gamma I thougt the device page is community driven - like everything.
Why don't you help to improove it instead of making something new (with a new community??)?See here
I may be wrong. I have not looked into it further
@peter-gamma and your last post isn't an answer.
I hate spoliers but
@lakotaubp lol
I think the new page will improve the situation significantly.
Yes the new page is very nice.
I emphasis that one should look at "promoted" devices to discover the features coverage.
But I guess many of the other devices will have their matrix sooner or later.Now a bit of constructive criticism, the "battery last more than 24h" is hard to define so many the methodology to measure this might be explained.
For example screen off >23h, what kind of connectivity and data usage.
To explain what people might not get, for example the Nexus5 with weak 4G, wifi on but not connected and screen off will hardly get the 24h. But with 2G or a better network coverage it can. -
as mentioned in an other thread, the new device page is a hughe step foreward.
To some extent, the "degree of maturityβ is somewhat dependent on the individual use case. In the blog @UniSuperBox suggested using the survey results to weight maturity ratings. Would it not be better to have an "individual user profile" questionaire and then match the profile to the devices? Answer 10 questions on a visual analog scale (0=couldn't care less, 10=can't live without) and than list all devices matching that individual profile? -
Anything is possible with enough hours of work
In other words, I'm not sure if the impact in new users and potential contributors would be worth the time.