T-Shirt Slogan Competition!!
Ubuntu Touch
Free as in yours -
Touch the freedom.
U-Touch is my personally phone
not just a public gadgetUbuntu Touch, your personally phone to got the holy of security and safety
Personally smart phone wanted?
Just pick Ubuntu Touch!By the way, we should have the Yumi as an emoji!
Yumi Says bubble: I'm Yu, I'm Mi, I'm everything you want to be!
Ubuntu Touch; Live like nobody's watching
UT for all, and all for UT
The UTeam.
The U-Team.
Ubuntu Touch:
It's in your hands. -
Ubuntu Touch, an OS for men.
And women. Men and women.
Both. All. Not a guy-girl thing.
Ubuntu Touch is an OS for all. -
Ready to end voluntary servitude ?
Get Ubuntu Touch ! -
A Touch of Freedom.
Yu can touch mi for free !
@keneda said in T-Shirt Slogan Competition!!:
Yu can touch mi for free !
LOL! :face_with_tears_of_joy: :grinning_squinting_face:
Look but do Touch!
Free your data, free your phone!
An alternative is possible! -
@ubportsnews I'm tempted by "Fed up of WhatsApp? Switch to Ubuntu Touch!" but that is perhaps not a serious proposal.
Ubuntu Touch: convenience without loosing control
To the tune of the opening lines of 90s classic 'The sun always shines on TV' by rock gods A-ha:
Touch me,
The sun always shines on UT