Ce sujet n'est pas à proprement parlé lié à UBports, mais plus généralement aux moyens de financer le développement des logiciels libres et des communs, aussi je vous annonce le lancement de l'initiative "Copie Public" dont voici le lien Mastodon @copiepublique@mastodon.libre-entreprise.com ainsi que le lien vers le site de Copie Public
J'invite ceux et celles souhaitant soutenir cette initiative à relayer un maximum le lancement de ce projet
Merci d'avance !
This subject is not strictly speaking related to UBports, but more generally to the means of financing the development of free software and commons, so I announce the launch of the "Copy Public" initiative, here is the link Mastodon @copiepublique @mastodon.libre-entreprise.com as well as the link to the Public Copy siteI invite those wishing to support this initiative to relay the launch of this project as much as possible
Thank you in advance!
I have translated your post this time, please use English on the Forum. As it is not UT related I will also move it to OT
L Lakotaubp moved this topic from Marketing Incubator on
What an excellent idea !!
2019|Code Lutin|UBports|842€
2020|Code Lutin|UBports|373€
2021|Code Lutin|UBports|706€