I have Teleports which tells me when i try to sign up its sent a code to my telegram (but i dont have telegram account!?)
"a code was sent via telegram to your other devices"
So im unable to get a telegram account!!!
@Clementine I suspect it is a deliberate move by Telegram to not allow account creation from anything other than the official Android app.
@prophanetes said in i have officially given up on telegram:
@developerbayman I hear you. I tried to register with four different clients, including the Ubuntu Snap and the Telegram webapp. All claimed to be sending a code to my 'other devices' or by SMS. Only way I actually got anywhere was to install the official Android
SDKAPK (from the Telegram website) to an actual Android device. (Going through the Google Play Store would probably have worked, but I would draw the line before that!) After registering with the official Android app, all the other clients authenticate no problems. -
@Clementine said in How to sign up to telegram on ut?:
I have Teleports which tells me when i try to sign up its sent a code to my telegram (but i dont have telegram account!?)
Are you sure it said 'sign up' and not 'sign in'?
Last time i registered, couple months ago, it sent me registration code on my phone by sms, the very one i gave number during registration... -
And i looked in F-droid to see if it was possible to create a new account with Telegram FOSS :
Warning: Creating new accounts in the FOSS version not possible anymore, you have to create an account in the official build and then login to the FOSS.
This is correct. The Telegram servers see Teleports as a desktop app, not a mobile app. Telegram does not allow you to create an account using only a desktop app.
To create a Telegram account, you must first install the app on either iOS or Android and create your account there. I used my wife's old iPhone for this purpose.
Oh, that's painful :(. I have Telegram since 2015 because it was the only available chat option on UT at that time (still is the most functional I guess and my preference). But it is quite unpleasant one has to have an Android or iOS phone to get in, not a good approach at all. Thought still way better and more flexible than WhatsApp for instance.
@RayCulp said in How to sign up to telegram on ut?:
Telegram does not allow you to create an account using only a desktop app.
Wow, that's suboptimal. It used to be, you only needed a phone that could receive an SMS to verify your phone number. I guess those days are over.
@Moem said in How to sign up to telegram on ut?:
Wow, that's suboptimal. It used to be, you only needed a phone that could receive an SMS to verify your phone number. I guess those days are over.
I tried that several times at first, but it never worked. I also contacted support, but they never responded. On the bright side, the process isn't too bad:
- Insert your SIM card into any Android or iOS phone that has the Telegram app installed
- If someone else is already logged in on the phone, log them out
- Create and verify your account on the phone
- While still logged in on the phone, initiate login process on any Telegram desktop app
- Use logged in account on phone to verify login attempt from desktop app (QR code, verification code via Telegram message)
- Log out on the phone, remove your SIM card, put other person's SIM card back in, etc.
- Done. As long as you always have at least one active, valid session on any device, you can use it to verify other devices and never need the phone again.