@MrT10001 I will try that and get back here... What was the situation before upgrading to focal? - is there anything in focal that makes Dekko deal in a different way with email servers?
@mihael Seconding this, I can't set up gmail account either and I also get this behaviour. 20.04 r387 development.
@Lakotaubp The thing is that I was able to check my emails from my personal IMAP servers with Dekko under xenial and it doesn't work under focal anymore and I was wondering what could be the cause and how could it be solved. So the only variable that changed is xenial -> focal.
@mihael Happened to me. Think it is when you change something at your end the changes happen. I have not tried the other way round as my phones that can run 20.04 are on it the others that can't are still 16.04 like the Bq 5 hd.
If I watch the logs on the mail server with
sudo tail -f /var/log/mail.log | grep MY-IP-ADDRESS
I can see the error when Dekko tries to connect to the server:dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (no auth attempts in 0 secs): user=<>, rip=MY-IP-ADDRESS
so I guess Dekko doesn't send the username to the server???
@mihael that would be very unusual. But the settings can be finicky at times. Please double check the mail settings in Dekko. Maybe even create a new fresh account config for the same mail account.
@arubislander Thank you for your input! But that is where the problem occurs: when I create the account and hit "Next" after manually entering the imap server and all details, it shows for a moment "Checking credentials" and then returns to the same screen, never proceeding further...
I managed to send emails from Dekko: it worked only after I defined Identities for each email account. I'm still not able to receive emails.
@mihael I initially had this problem with Dekko. I would see the older emails but not the newer ones.
I got it working by reinstalling the app. It will appear only as Dekko on the focal Open Store. Reboot and then try refreshing the app again without touching your connection/account settings.
@TakoR Thanks for the idea but no difference here...
Deltachat started downloading emails after a restart of the phone. This shows me the problem must be with Dekko and not with my email server. What else could I do / check? Thank you in advance for any idea!
@mihael if sending (SMTP) worked, but receiving (IMAP) didn't, then I am afraid it must be due to some misconfiguration of the settings for IMAP. Could you double check the port number, protocol and credentials against what your mail provider requires? Sometimes it is just a small detail. And Dekko is not very upfront with reporting errors to the user, mostly failing silently, when something is wrong in the settings.
@arubislander After the upgrade to focal, credentials were the same as under xenial but Dekko stopped receiving new emails - so I don't think that's the cause. I have three accounts, none of them work. IMAP or POP3, no difference. I deleted and recreated the accounts several times.
Maybe I could take a look into dekko's config files... I found some db files but they require a password to unlock... Does anybody have any input about these directions?
Trying to conect from my phone to the email server through openssl, I noticed that connecting to the SMTP port 465 I was getting access to the telnet terminal but the IMAP port 993 was not giving me access to the terminal. The command was:
openssl s_client -crlf -connect MY-EMAIL-SERVER:993
Investigating further I noticed this error in the response:
error:141A318A:SSL routines:tls_process_ske_dhe:dh key too small
The solution for this was: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1233186/ubuntu-20-04-how-to-set-lower-ssl-security-level/1233456#1233456 - I implemented the mods with
sudo nano /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
Then I was able to connect though openssl to port 993 but it was only a restart of the phone and deleting / redefining accounts in Dekko that it started downloading messages.
Victory! :flexed_biceps:
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@mihael try imap port 995
@wizardi3 Sorry, I don't understand... Why? - do you need help and you want me to check if 995 works? - because for me the issue is solved, I will not change the port now unless you need me to try 995 as well.
@mihael No I misunderstood I thought 993 was not working. Sorry
@mihael said in Dekko not connecting to IMAP or POP3 servers after update to focal:
@arubislander Thank you for your input! But that is where the problem occurs: when I create the account and hit "Next" after manually entering the imap server and all details, it shows for a moment "Checking credentials" and then returns to the same screen, never proceeding further...
That's exactly what I am experiencing (on Xenial). Now, if Google dropped support for insecure apps as mentioned, there is no solution, is there?