Ubuntu Touch Q&A 124 call for questions.
Ubuntu Touch Q&A 124
Ubuntu Touch Q&A 124 is this Saturday 23rd Sept at 19:00 UTC so it's time for your questions.
Post questions below, but please remember that questions on porting to device **** or its status, and questions on bugs will not be answered.
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What is the state of the Lomiri desktop environment for the upcoming release of Ubuntu 23.10?
What is the current state about the Fairphone 4 with preinstalled Ubuntu Touch? In the Q&A122 (https://ubports.com/de/blog/ubports-blogs-nachrichten-1/post/ubuntu-touch-q-a-122-3877) it was mentined that some tests need to be passed first.
Is it still planned to sell these? If so, is there an expected date for when I can buy a fairphone 4 with preinstalled ubuntu touch?Thank you all for putting so much effort in developing this free operating system.
Is the goal to eventually make apt useable (like on desktop), or will it forever be break-your-ut territory?
@fairose said in Ubuntu Touch Q&A 124 call for questions.:
Thank you all for putting so much effort in developing this free operating system.
Second that
SIP support in the dialer possible? / or SIP apps with working push notifications? This is becoming very important to users in North America and some other regions, and is an excellent work around for the ever troublesome VoLTE issue.
What is the current progress of VoLTE?
What about the VoLTE plan? -
Please clarify https://forums.ubports.com/topic/9364/focal-why-no-new-milestone-ota-3-opened/8 . Thank you
Could you consider only keeping morph-browser up to date under Xenial (mainly qt) ?
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I think there is a SIP app wandering on the UT telegram.I guess there is surely a good reason for it to not be on the store, but i don't know it.
I believe maybe it'd be time to release it, even if it's still alpha.
Core-apps would be nice also, like phone and messaging app.
Best would be to make all core app updatable standalone, and uninstallable, so not in system data but user one.
Obviously this is not for Xenial. -
@Keneda I would simply like smartphones running Xenial to remain alive as much as possible and remain compatible for viewing evolving websites. Hence keeping qt up to date at system level and/or morph-browser. Nothing more asked.
@Keneda There is, it's called Linphone. Only available for xenial. It was never released to the store because it has a bug that requires manual setup.
It also does not have push notifications, nor sms/mms support which Linphone usually does.
U UBportsNews referenced this topic on
@domubpkm If you understood the workload involved to update Qt and it's submodules for an old version you would probably also understand that this is more than one should ask for in the first place.
The short answer is no, the long answer is: there is no sane point in keeping unsupported things around if nobody cares for (not "cares about") them. In other words: Suppose I care about pudding, I don't care for it, hence I want to consume pudding, not watch it grow mold.
In the end people need to move on, and as long as people stick with xenial just because they believe there is a point (that includes port maintainers, system integrators, app developers, and users) the resources will be spread too thin and the result for focal and what's beyond will look poor. The only real solution is to move on fast, period.
@fredldotme Thank you, it's clear to everyone now :
for those who are not equipped, quickly buy a compatible focal smartphone.