Thanks. It's a work in progress.
RE: Adding an app to a container using the tweak tool?
RE: libertine complains about LD_PRELOAD
I did the install the same way through the Libertine GUI. I didn't do anything different in any attempt. It was strange and I was even surprised it worked the third time. It did solve that error. Thanks for the reply.
How to change the MAC address of wlan0 in DORMANT mode?
I opened a terminal and typed "ip link".
wlan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DORMANT group default qlen 3000
It shows "link/ether" and then the permanent MAC address.
wlan1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN mode DEFAULT group qlen 3000
It shows "link/ether" and then the MAC address.
I was experimenting with "macchanger" on my Pixel 3a to change the MAC addresses of the devices and all worked except for "waydroid0" and "wlan0". I brought the network down and tried "sudo ip link set wlan0 mode default". Then I succesfully changed the MAC address for "wlan0". I then brought the network back up, did "ip link", and saw that "wlan0" had the permanent MAC address back and was labeled "DORMANT" again. All other device addresses kept the changed MAC addresses ("waydroid0" did not change).
Is there a way to change the MAC address of "wlan0"? Is "waydroid0" going to have a permanent by design MAC address?
Pixel 3a has limited access to lower Android navigation buttons.
After a fresh install of Waydroid on my Pixel 3a, I had limited access to the navigation buttons at the bottom of the Android screen. I saw a post about this at:
and tried in a terminal:
waydroid prop set persist.waydroid.height_padding 65
on my Pixel 3a. I did not use "sudo".
This made the lower buttons clear the bottom of the screen just fine. Thanks for the tip!
RE: The OTA-22 Roll Out Has Started
I have read that UT is moving more towards the main Ubuntu distribution. How would this affect the way we run and design apps for UT? Would Libertine still be required?
RE: Adding an app to a container using the tweak tool?
Pulsar33 and doniks:
Thanks for the information. I've tried three times to install the container and I still get errors. The Libertine GUI in Settings would not delete the container. I had to manually go into two directories with terminal to delete it all. I also had to delete the name of the container using the terminal. This was mentioned in another post. According to the Libertine documentation, my two options (ADB and SSH) did not work either. I had been using ADB to flash my phone and I have ADB on both my computer and Pixel 3a. I set up keys on my computer and phone and still could not get SSH to work. I had Developer Mode on and also SSH was enabled on the phone with UT Tweak Tool. The documentation said that I needed to use either ADB or SSH to use Libertine commands due to AppArmor. I just tried them in a terminal and they did not work. If you can point me to a real good tutorial on ADB or even SSH or a third option I do not know about, then I would appreciate that.
RE: libertine complains about LD_PRELOAD
I did have that error. After the third attempt of trying to install "", that error went away. Thanks for the reply.
RE: libertine complains about LD_PRELOAD
@pulsar33 When I installed "libtls-padding0" via the UT Libertine GUI, it then disappeared and was no longer listed. I tried it again and it disappeared again. Is this normal?
RE: Adding an app to a container using the tweak tool?
@jojumaxx This happened to me, too. This is what I did.
Go to the regular UT terminal app that was there already when you installed UT on your phone and launch it.
Type in at the prompt and do not use "sudo":
libertine-container-manager exec -i xenial -c bashI did not use "sudo" for anything while doing this.
There was a series of lines that say something like:
groups: cannot find name for group ID 10
groups: cannot find name for group ID 10
groups: cannot find name for group ID 10
groups: cannot find name for group ID 10
groups: cannot find name for group ID 10
groups: cannot find name for group ID 10
groups: cannot find name for group ID 10
groups: cannot find name for group ID 10
groups: cannot find name for group ID 20
groups: cannot find name for group ID 30
groups: cannot find name for group ID 30
groups: cannot find name for group ID 30
groups: cannot find name for group ID 99
groups: cannot find name for group ID 32
bash: /home/phablet/.bashrc: Permission
root@ubuntu-phablet:/#I typed at the prompt: cd /usr/share/applications
and got then got this:
ons#I typed at the prompt: ls
The above two characters are a little "L" and small "S". This will list the files in the applications folder.
Among the files that show up should be "gnome-terminal.desktop". You should still have the same prompt as before after the listing is complete. Then, I typed in at the prompt "nano gnome-terminal.desktop". You should have "nano" installed in the container before you do any of these steps. "nano" is a nice little editor that I use to modify files. It has methods to select keys like "Control-X", etc. that you will need to save your modified file. There is also a selection you will make inside "nano" that will select arrow keys that you can navigate up, down, right, and left to get to that line you have to change. It took me some time to get it all done with the small keyboard.
This allowed me to launch the new "gnome-terminal" icon. I then tried to "apt install" an app and it hung in the middle of my typing it. The keyboard disappeared and the gnome-terminal app froze.
I put in another topic entry for it. If you get past my problem, please post your solution here or on my other topic. I hope this helps. If I did something wrong or need to fix things, still, please let me know.
Speakerphone icon problem with Pixel 3a
I installed Waydroid using the instructions from the Waydroid website. It installed fairly quickly and is running fine on my Pixel 3a. I have a PinePhone with Arch/POSH running Waydroid as well and Pixel 3a is much faster and is a smaller package. F-Droid, etc. runs fine on Pixel 3a.
I installed an XMPP app called "Conversations". I have it set up to make VoIP calls. When a call is established, I have three icons at the bottom. I can turn off the microphone, end the call, or use speakerphone. The call connects with speakerphone on all the time and I cannot turn it off. I tried a similar app and the same speakerphone icon will not turn the speakerphone off.
Has anyone else had this problem with a speakerphone icon being inoperative? Is there a work around to turn off the external speaker manually somewhere?
gnome-terminal locks up
I created a Xenial container and have "nano", "gnome-terminal", "gnome-terminal-data", and a repository for "dino-im". I did the gnome-terminal.desktop "Exec=" fix as described. "dino-im" is an XMPP Linux app that can do internet voice calls. I was going to try my luck at installing it.
The gnome-terminal icon is on my UT desktop and I launched it. It had two error messages at start up:
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
phaplet@ubuntu-phaplet:~$When I interacted with the terminal, I did not use "sudo" anywhere. "sudo" was not involved with anything I did.
I typed in the terminal: "apt install d" and that was as far as I got with the filename "dino-im". The terminal froze at "d" and the keyboard disappeared.
What can I do to try and install "dino-im" on my Pixel 3a? Thanks.
What is the boot partition name for the Pixel 3a?
What is the name of the boot partition for a Pixel 3a? I would like to do some work on my phone that requires the codename (sargo) and the boot name.
The command that I would like to enter into the terminal is below:
export CODENAME="turbo" && export PARTITIONNAME="bootimg"
where "turbo" will be replaced by "sargo" (for Pixel 3a) and "bootimg" will be replaced by the name of my Pixel 3a boot partition name.
I just need to be sure I get the boot partition name correct. Thanks.
RE: Adding an app to a container using the tweak tool?
@bre34 said in Adding an app to a container using the tweak tool?:
I have the Libertine Tweak Tool and have Ubuntu Xenial installed as a package. How can I add an app (like protonvpn) to the container using the tweak tool? I've tried, but it does not find the app anywhere. I added the protonvpn repository to the Libertine container, but that is as far as I got. Thanks for help.
Update: I figured out how to search the archive and then install a package. Is there a way to install a package not in the archive?
Killswitch for UFW?
I have a killswitch setup for UFW with tun0 (VPN). I am using a server that I set up in the VPN editor. This is what I have as rules so far in UFW:
sudo ufw default deny outgoing
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw allow out on tun0 from any to any
sudo ufw allow in on tun0 from any to anyThe killswitch works, but to connect to the VPN server to start a connection, I have to disable UFW. Once a connection is established, I enable UFW. If I lose the VPN connection, I have to start over again. I tried making exceptions to UFW for the addresses and ports I am trying to connect to, but that is still giving me the same function as before. I know about the resolv-conf file and tried a modification there, but it didn't work. I can use "nano" for any file modifications and can change the read/write status of my UT image.
My goal is to have the killswitch on all the time and make a connection and also able to reconnect on its own without any input from me.
Are there any recommendations for UFW?
Adding an app to a container using the tweak tool?
I have the Libertine Tweak Tool and have Ubuntu Xenial installed as a package. How can I add an app (like protonvpn) to the container using the tweak tool? I've tried, but it does not find the app anywhere. I added the protonvpn repository to the Libertine container, but that is as far as I got. Thanks for help.