The weather information comes form the Weather Channel scope - which has stopped working. But it's not just the Weather Channel but also Amazon, 7Digital, ebay, Open Library, Reddit and Wikipedia scopes. Maybe more. I have assumed that this was due to agreements with Canonical expiring or being wound up. To be honest it is only weather that I miss, and that's not a big problem.
However, I do appreciate the scopes and would be sorry to see them go bit by bit.
RE: Today scope now without weather information
RE: [Discussion] File Manager improvements
FM is invaluable for organising files on my M10 tablet.
Moving, renaming files. Unzipping archives
3.organising and finding files
- The need to unlock full access to view or move files on the SD card.
RE: Flash player
I've been having the same problem on my M10, also on N5. HTML5 works fine on other websites. I'm hoping OTA 2 will sort it out. I guessed BBC had updated it's software. A number of sites tell me to update my browser.
RE: adb shell not working Meizu Pro 5
I had the same problem on the M10HD. Developer mode on, but the same error: device unauthorized. No confirmation dialog on device. Using UBports 15.04 stable
RE: GPS on Aquaris 4.5
There's an updated version of uNav in the Openstore. Upgrade to that and it should work - I hope. It works for me.
RE: What is your main points for a perfect personal phone operative system?
Happy with all you say. Key for me is a phone that does everything I need - as a phone. As a desktop computer it needs to do everything that I need from a desktop. Open source is great - as long as it just works (generally I've found that to be the case) but whatever else you do needs to be focused on creating a reliable and easy to use and maintain system.
RE: Lock Screen question
It was ages before I realised what it was. It's not particularly obvious, is it?
RE: Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!
Hi All,
I'm Peter. I've used Ubuntu for over ten years and Ubuntu Touch on my M10 HD ever since it was launched and love both. I'm not a dev but am keen to see Touch thrive and grow. Hoping the same for Unity. As an end-user I'm keen for your project to be successful. If I can do anything I will. At least I'll be cheering you all on.
RE: Buy a smartphone with ubuntu
The only smartphones that you will find with Ubuntu already installed are second hand BQ E4.5 or E5 Ubuntu Edition or the Meizu MX4 or Pro 5. You're probably better buying a Nexus 5, One Plus One or Fairphone 2 and install UBports.
RE: OTA-2 complete?
I know it depends where you are but it's getting kind of late today (Saturday 23rd September). Could be a little late, I guess.