@kugiigi Hey thanks, yes I do use that tool, and I am on Dev not RC so, I feel sure that was the problem on the OPO it works fine now. My pixel 3a is workong at the momnet, but only on 3G. I will monitor for a coulple of days.
@captainzer0 Good news, please mark as solved it may help others Thanks https://forums.ubports.com/topic/6311/how-to-ask-a-question-and-then-mark-it-as-solved
@phoenixlandpirat Mine opened straight away. This was on a surface 3 windows mc (my laptop has died, but thats another story), but MTP still works on my OP3.
Edit: Meant to say on RC 9 at present.
@captainzer0 This is the current supported device list have a look and see which best suits your needs, it will be very personal to you. Please keep in mind that the very recently ported ones may have a few issues that needed ironing out which may or may not bother you. If you like OP devices the OP3 works well at least I think so, but as I say the choice will be down to what you require https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/
I thinks its a hardware issue. I had to remove the back cover to trying to get a stuck nano sim adaptor and think thats when it happend. Thanks forbthe quick responce
But maybe there should be a way to uninstall these apps without the tweak tool? Also apps witch disappear from the store are affected.
This way is not intuitiv and not everybody trusts or knows the tweak tool.