Hello everyone ! I'm new to the UBPorts community, but i use ubuntu as my daily desktop OS. I'm highly interested in helping the developement of UBPorts... but i don't really know where i would be useful : i don't have any particular dev skill, i'm just a kind of "tech enthusiast" : i like to get involded into things technical even if i understand almost nothing ! :grinning_face_with_sweat: Maybe translation (yes, i'm french, that's why my english is awful ^^'), or testing... I'm going to think about it ! But in every cases, nice to meet you !
So, basically, i just want to change my actual android phone for a linux phone. But i have a question, which one is better for me at the moment : a pinephone or a nexus 5 ? Techspecs are not so far from each other, i don't need a powerful phone with many apps, and i'm not afraid of being stuck on secondary things : i just want my phone to have voice calls and texting, and a small access to mails/web.
In my mind the nexus 5 is old and the pinephone is a kind of "solution for the future", cause i don't want to have to change my phone in a few months : i'm ready to wait for others features... And i have a little preference for the PP (global look, USB C, screen, more recent...)
So, basically, is the nexus 5 going to be "abandoned" soon by the devs, and the PP going to be unusable in the next months (only for the texting/voice/web things) ? Is the PP a bad choice for very basic daily use ?
Thank you !