@Lakotaubp All updated, please let me know if you have any further suggested changes. Thanks
RE: MX4 Ubuntu Edition: FAILED (remote: unknown command)
RE: MX4 Ubuntu Edition: FAILED (remote: unknown command)
@Lakotaubp I've put these changes in staging, and they'll go live at my next push. Thanks for your help!
RE: MX4 Ubuntu Edition: FAILED (remote: unknown command)
@Lakotaubp Thanks for the feedback! Regarding those two things - do you want me to clarify the UBports Foundation bit in the article, or is this not a concern for now? Also, I will add a link to the other versions of the installer.
RE: MX4 Ubuntu Edition: FAILED (remote: unknown command)
@AlainW94 @Lakotaubp Hi, the article is now live!
Thank you all for your help, I thoroughly appreciate it!
RE: MX4 Ubuntu Edition: FAILED (remote: unknown command)
@AlainW94 I'm just working on my article now. Which credit would you like me to give? Do you have a website, Twitter, etc that you'd like a link to? As well as a link to your forum profile?
RE: UT on Meizu MX4 without using physical buttons
@AlainW94 Thanks for taking the time to have a look.
Unfortunately, I think that all of the dbus messages were actually related to locking the phone, I only ran the monitor command for about 2 seconds - just enough time to press lock.
Ideally I'd like to find the command that actually triggers all of this off and just create a launcher for that, rather than trying to reverse engineer with dbus commands.
RE: UT on Meizu MX4 without using physical buttons
@AlainW94 I've set up an adb shell and run this command to see what happens on dbus when I press the lock button. Unfortunately there are dozens/hundreds of dbus commands in the log output, rather than just one command that I can put in a launcher.
Do you know whether there is a way to find the overarching command that triggers all of this off when the lock button is pressed?
On a side note, it looks like most of the dbus commands when pressing the lock button are to make the screen fade out over a short period.
RE: MX4 Ubuntu Edition: FAILED (remote: unknown command)
@AlainW94 Now I'm working on being able to use the device without using the lock button (https://forums.ubports.com/topic/2462/ut-on-meizu-mx4-without-using-physical-buttons/15). Just set up adb shell and monitoring dbus for the right commands to lock+sleep the phone using a launcher icon rather than the physical button.
Also @AlainW94, I'm working on a blog article about my whole UT setup experience. Would I be OK to include a section on your ubports-installer code change? I will give full and clear credit with your name, Twitter, own blog, whatever you want.
RE: MX4 Ubuntu Edition: FAILED (remote: unknown command)
@AlainW94 Awesome, this has worked! I'm in Ubuntu Touch setting it up now! Thanks for your help, I thoroughly appreciate it.
RE: MX4 Ubuntu Edition: FAILED (remote: unknown command)
@AlainW94 Just as a side note before I move forward with this - is there a way to download the source for a snap package, a bit like
apt source
? Or should I just pull it from GitHub? -
RE: MX4 Ubuntu Edition: FAILED (remote: unknown command)
@Lakotaubp That's the idea! Will this also resolve the
FAILED (remote: unknown command)
issue?I think I'm actually going to try @AlainW94's modified code first, as as far as I can tell it seems like ubports-installer is just trying to reboot the phone into recovery, but Meizu phones don't support that in the way it's trying to do it.
RE: MX4 Ubuntu Edition: FAILED (remote: unknown command)
@Lakotaubp Ok thanks, I'll see if I can give this a go tonight. To confirm, once I've done this, I won't have to do it again as long as I stick with UBports?
RE: MX4 Ubuntu Edition: FAILED (remote: unknown command)
@AlainW94 Thanks for this. Will it prevent me from having to do the restore to the original Canonical UT like @Lakotaubp has detailed? Or do I still need to do that, and then patch ubports-installer with your code afterwards?
RE: MX4 Ubuntu Edition: FAILED (remote: unknown command)
@Lakotaubp Ok, thanks for the info. Once I've done this, is it permanent? Or do I have to do it again every time I want to reflash UBports?
I'll have to spin up a sandboxed machine for this, I don't want to run all those tools on any of my systems. Does UBports installer overwrite all of the original Canonical UT stuff from those guides? Or will there be insecure/untrusted code left behind?
RE: MX4 Ubuntu Edition: FAILED (remote: unknown command)
@Lakotaubp Oh right, I see... that looks like quite a lot of downloading unverified images/software and running stuff. I'm aiming for security here.
To be honest I was hoping that my MX4 Ubuntu Edition would be easier, since it is one of the few devices to officially support UT.
Is there any alternative solution? What about manually flashing the ROM? Or magic device tool?
RE: MX4 Ubuntu Edition: FAILED (remote: unknown command)
@Lakotaubp I purchased the phone in 2015 with UT on it. Then I flashed Flyme onto it (which is on now). At the moment I'm trying to go back to UT from Flyme.
RE: MX4 Ubuntu Edition: FAILED (remote: unknown command)
@Lakotaubp Thanks for the info. I'm in Android Dev mode with USB debug enabled, then I power off and boot into fastboot mode, connect the phone and start the installer. It's an original MX4 Ubuntu Edition so the bootloader should be already unlocked (I had previously flashed a Flyme recovery image onto it).
Then, after starting the installer, it fails as I described above. I unplug, go into recovery and then reconnect, ignore the error, and it says 'Flashing...`.
How long does the flashing process normally take? I've left it for around 45 minutes with no sign of progress. There's no network activity on my machine so it's not downloading anything.
RE: MX4 Ubuntu Edition: FAILED (remote: unknown command)
@AlainW94 Ah right, so is ubports-installer actually broken for Meizu phones? Or is this an intermittent issue? I've never seen anybody else use ubports-installer with a Meizu actually, most of the videos I've seen have been Nexus or FairPhone.
If you can securely share the modified tool then I'll have a look, but I'd prefer source code or a patch file, I'm not running an untrusted binary.
RE: MX4 Ubuntu Edition: FAILED (remote: unknown command)
I just manually rebooted into recovery (power + vol up), which required unplugging my phone. An Ubuntu splash screen appeared, so I plugged it back in and pressed 'Ignore' on the error, and it's stuck on 'Flashing...' again with
in the log.