Thank you for your involvement in finding solutions to my difficulties with UT.
In my last post, I indicated that I considered my problems as "solved" but, I was not precise enough. I was able to stably fix the libertine tweak-tool app for my container named "stock" (220 dpi) which allowed a better definition of the installed desktop apps. But, as I didn't know the doniks details, I didn't check if the line "Xft.dpi: 220" was in .../user-data/CONTAINERID. However, if desktop apps can be used, especially firefox, all menu bars are always displayed in lowercase; this may be a reference to the doniks details on the line Xft.dpi: 220 ?
Emanuele Sorce: the first time I used sturm reader, I activated the button at the bottom of the app and made the settings and font choices, but the margin slider had no effect on them; I add that the sturm-reader's welcome interface did not match the openstore app presentation (empty interface with the only indication to search for a book).
Faced with my difficulties, and before reading your last advice, I got discouraged (too fast?) and I ended up uninstalling UT from my nexus 7 to go back to my old rom (resurrection-remix) while waiting for better knowledge on my part in the use of UT .
Thanks again for your help.
Out of subject: when installing UT, ubports-installer asks for a confirmation of the device and indicates LG as the manufacturer of the nexus 7 flo. I would like to specify that the flo manufacturer is Asus and not lg...