Ok... so don't get too high hopes, but I think I might be able to make tweak the login screen the way we imagine. Probably in a hacky way though.
as I said I'm not a QML dev and might not be an option to be merged into master, but I will try my best.
No, you are very good! Best of luck. I have never tried qml. I have been always using HTML & CSS.
I think this is what we need to look at https://github.com/ubports/unity8/blob/xenial/qml/Components/Lockscreen.qml
Okay, I'll compile it and run on my phone. I'll let you know how good/not good it is as soon as possible.
@kugiigi said in Login screen/Code input Design:
If you're serious with this, I would suggest to make a proper design proposal and maybe submit them to @CiberSheep .
It would be great if the design is convergent so it'll work in portrait and landscape. Currently, the lockscreen has separate layout for portrait and landscape and no rotation support so if ever we redesign it, it's better to include the rotation support as well 
I guess we need to try. Worst they can say is no.
Regarding the keyboard design, I'm not sure if we can include it in the total design of the lockscreen since it's a separate component which has its own theme.
Yes, I think so.