@Luksus it does not show. Even when I sort for scope or has app.
Tried installing again. But progress gets to 100%, spins its wheels, then gives the same install button again. Doesnt show in UT Tweak after this.
@Luksus it does not show. Even when I sort for scope or has app.
Tried installing again. But progress gets to 100%, spins its wheels, then gives the same install button again. Doesnt show in UT Tweak after this.
@arubislander This did indeed fix the internet/calender issue. Thank you.
Now if I could get my gallery app back.
Pixel 3A
Started with 20.04 stable, I believe up-to-date
So this all started when my gallery app stopped working (crashed on start up). I uninstalled it, and reinstall it from Open Store. Dont worry, I was already reprimanded that I should not uninstall core apps. (Gallery still crashed on start).
Someone told me I had to reinstall Ubuntu Touch from the installer without wiping data to get it back. I tried that today. There were issues.
My first guess is to back up my data, and do a full whipe install. But I wanted to check here first. Any help is apppriciated.
For almost a yearish now, my Gallery app will not open. The splash screen shows for less than a second, and disappears. No matter hard or soft reset.
I uninstall/reinstall, but same thing. I tried to do that today while posting. But now it will not install. Progress bar gets all the way to the end on Open Store. Does a constant progress bar for less than a second. And then goes back to the install button. Tried this several times.
Phone: Pixel 3a
OS: UT 16.04 OTA-22 Stable
Carrier: Ting (on i believe Verizon)
Started using: 4/23/22
I am getting much the same problem.
On a fresh restart, I do have access to 4G. Text and calls and mobile internet work. However, this only lasts about an hour. After this happens, calls and text and mobile internet stop working. UT says it is "Searching" under Cellular Data. Sometimes it cuts out sooner. I can do something with constant internet access (play an audiobook or stream music) to keep it going. But the longest I have seen access to 4G maintained is about an hour. MMS never works.
After that happens, I can switch to 3G, and calls and text work all the time. But not internet. Not MMS.
I have noticed Wifi disconnects from time to time. I can select the router and reconnect, but it happens. But pretty rarely. I have never been able to use MMS, send or receive, on any setting above.
@mrt10001 Solved the problem
So it turns out, Fastboot requires its own driver. I had heard a few people say I needed to "install fastboot". And one vid made it look as easy as "unzip, and just put it in the computer". If it needed to be placed in a specific place, this wasnt made clear. I also got android studio, and downloaded the platform tools. Still didnt help.
Then I came across this post on xda:
I ran this, got fastboot unlocked, I was able to reselect the phone in the chrome flasher once it entered the bootloader, and finish flashing Andrd 9. Then use the porter to get Ubuntu Touch.
To anyone to tells people only "make sure you install fastboot", please tell them how or where to put it. It is not a simple, intuitive step. And some of the tutorials are not as comprehensive as they could be. Please mention that the bootloader/fastboot requires its own driver, or you cannot continue without it. More than one time, based on this issue alone, I considered giving up and returning the phone.
@mrt10001 Someone told me that in the chat. I get that now.
The problem remains that when the P3a is in bootloader: the computer, the Chrome flasher, fastboot unlock command, in general the phone cannot be found. That means I cannot flash to Android 9, to flash to UT. The USB debug is active. I told it to always trust my computer. But once this phone is in bootload: invisible. I have no idea what is wrong.
I have a P3a. It has a USB issue as far as I can tell. And that is preventing me from flashing from Android 12 to 9 in order to get to UT. I know that makes it an Android issue, but I have tried a few support avenues, and gotten no where.
When the USB connection is made, the phone defaults to "no data transfer". I am able to change settings to "data transfer", and Windows 10 can access the P3a's folders fine. But if the phone is restarted, or the USB connection is taken out and put back in, it defaults back to "no data transfer".
Which I think is the big problem. When I select file transfer, I was able to get Chrome to start the flashing process. But once it got to the fastboot, it couldnt read the P3a any more. I am guessing that once the phone restarted, the settings reverted to "No data transfer". Cutting it off from the PC and Chrome.
There is another setting I am not able to change on Android. I am also not able to switch "USB controlled by" - from "this device" - to "Connected device". It says it "couldnt switch".
I have
Do we know how stable UT is for the Pro1X?
@arubislander OK, so if I start with a Lineage Pro1X, and decide to switch to UT, then it's a one way street. I'm only on UT until I decide to flash to Lineage.
So I have a question. It says the Pro1X has an unlocked bootloader. Please pardon the normy question, but is that the same thing as the Pinephone's ability to load an OS from an SD card?
Like can I get the Lineage Pro1X, and boot UT from a microSD?
Having the same problem. I can hear what is said, to a degree of clarity too. But if I move the ear-speaker too far, clarity goes out. And it can be not far before I cant hear anything. Like I said it can hear clear enough, but the sound is muffled. All of my volume sliders I can find are maxed out, and I'm pressing Vol Up during the call. And this is from at least 3 phone numbers.