Rotation lock configuration, not just let it blocked or not, for example, block for the program list but not for video while it's full-screen playing

RE: OTA 3 suggestions: your wanted features
RE: trouble porting to the meizu pro 5 ubuntu
I think the correct flag is --recovery-image=[Downloaded adb recovery image]
RE: What is your main points for a perfect personal phone operative system?
I want to work as in Desktop, no OTA updates, sudo apt update for do this, or a GUI like Software&Updates for the people don't want to use the terminal emulator, freedom to do everything on the system basically without stupid limitations.
RE: NordVPN on Ubuntu Touch
@Lakotaubp Thank you, now seems to work, I'll give I try in a while, hopefully we can import ovpn files soon.
RE: NordVPN on Ubuntu Touch
@Code_Gaug me neither, I've got the .ovpn file but I can't find all the information is in the tutorial that Lakotaubp links.
Are you trying with tcp or udp?
I'll try it later again. -
RE: I am migrating from (K)Ubuntu to Debian Testing, will I will be able to flash devices from it?
@DanChapman I didn't knew about that, thanks you!
RE: OTA2 'killed' my phone: bq E4.5 - no wifi & no mobile
Maybe your SIM is not recognized, now the strength icon don't appear if you have no SIM installed, try to change the SIM location and turn on again the phone. -
RE: Telegram Notification
I had the same problem, to fix it, logout from your Ubuntu One account, delete it from Ubuntu web, uninstall Telegram, delete /home/phablet/.config/com.ubuntu.telegram and /home/phablet/.cache/com.ubuntu.telegram
Now, reinstall Telegram login with a new Ubuntu user account and it should work.
I just did it.