@Alvescosta for me the camera works, I'm in the last RC version, but I was working beforea anyways, try upgrading to this version if you don't mind about something else breaking at some point, never happen to me but I could.

RE: Main camera error - BQ E4.5
RE: NordVPN on Ubuntu Touch
It doesn't work for me, no matter the cert I use if you make it work just let me know @Code_Gaug
RE: NordVPN on Ubuntu Touch
@Code_Gaug me neither, I've got the .ovpn file but I can't find all the information is in the tutorial that Lakotaubp links.
Are you trying with tcp or udp?
I'll try it later again. -
RE: NordVPN on Ubuntu Touch
@Lakotaubp Thank you, now seems to work, I'll give I try in a while, hopefully we can import ovpn files soon.
RE: NordVPN on Ubuntu Touch
Hi, I want to use NordVPN as well but the links are down or moved to somewhere else place, do you know about this? Cheers
RE: Playing a live stream mmsh://media.enet.cu/radioreloj
I test it and you are able to play that installing mpv from terminal emulator I use it to play youtube audio with mps-youtube.
RE: Earphone button not working?
I can hangup a call, but I have no control on player, I think is working but not implemented properly, if someone finds information on how the system works that puts it here because I'm interested.
RE: Earphone button not working?
Thank you for answer, do you know why is not compatible with BQ E4.5? on Android it worked properly.
Someone knows how the system reads the button presses? I found some information about that It's about voltage reading but I don't know if is needed a special hardware to do it.
RE: Why liberapay account for UBports is needed
It's official? I can donate by this way but I need to be sure of this.
I've got same device and it has never happened to me, I'm currently on the "Release Candidate" version, but when I was on the "Stable" channel it worked well too.
RE: Earphone button not working?
@uzanto said in Earphone button not working?:
I forgot to specify what I meant, I'm editing the first post.
Earphone button not working?
I'm using a BQ Aquaris E4.5 and I'm not able to operate the earphone button to pause/play the songs or answer a call.
Is that button in the mic area that use to allow answer calls, play/stop music, etc.
Now that I remember it seems to me that it works when answering calls, but not for the music player.
Is it working for anyone?
RE: Telegram Notification
@UKPhil Yes I had that issue too and I solved doing that this morning.
@Einstein212 when I delete my account I don't know why but I needed to chose a new username because to old one was still there, maybe that's crux of the matter.
RE: Telegram Notification
@Einstein212 Did you delete the account completely from canonical server? or just logged out from your device?
Check in telegram settings if the notifications are enabled, because you can have it enabled on UBports system but not in telegram itself.
RE: Telegram Notification
I had the same problem, to fix it, logout from your Ubuntu One account, delete it from Ubuntu web, uninstall Telegram, delete /home/phablet/.config/com.ubuntu.telegram and /home/phablet/.cache/com.ubuntu.telegram
Now, reinstall Telegram login with a new Ubuntu user account and it should work.
I just did it.
RE: Gemini PDA
@zzarr I can't see any reference for the Mediatek libre firmware, maybe they want to release their job as opensource but the firmware is another thing, still looking good the project.
Probably it's usable with proper binary blobs.
RE: Gemini PDA
I didn't know about Gemini PDA looks pretty good, you can advance some work if you know the hardware that includes.
I don't know if all the platform is going to be open source, because they don't specified the CPU/GPU, baseband modem, camera, etc.
RE: OTA2 'killed' my phone: bq E4.5 - no wifi & no mobile
Maybe your SIM is not recognized, now the strength icon don't appear if you have no SIM installed, try to change the SIM location and turn on again the phone. -
RE: [Discussion] File Manager improvements
@sverzegnassi Great job! I'll be waiting for the store version to test it.