Hi, i am playing around with Linux since Debian 2.0 - i even still have the original CD ordered from pearl back than (is this still a thing btw?) I am really more a end user, not a developer at all. So i am on stable channel with my new PinePhone UB-Ports CE. Sadly its currently not yet usable for calling (OTA-12 stable). I am so grateful there is a alternative to Android and Apple devices - the human kind is really in need for this! I hope in future schools and medicine sector will get equipped with Ubuntu Touch devices. It is still to early to seriously promote Pine64 devices for daily productive use, but that`s about to change, right! Thank you again for all your great work - it can not be said often enough. Happy hugs...
RE: Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!
RE: Anyone want to sell a cell phone with UBports?
Order a device like Nexus 5 or Oneplus One or Fairphone and install Ubuntu Touch - UBports Installer: https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/installer/
Or you can pre-order a Pine Phone (currently Postmarket-OS CE) https://store.pine64.org/product-category/pinephone/ and plug a SD-Card with Ubuntu Touch for booting Ubuntu Touch.
Or you can pre-order a Volla Phone with Ubuntu Touch here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/volla-phone-free-your-mind-protect-your-privacy#/
RE: Signal app experience on UT
@cliffcoggin If you know people who want to talk to you, ask them to install Signal Messenger https://www.signal.org/ available for all platforms Android, Apple, Microsoft, Linux... You should use Axolotl then - so you can chat with your people.
I hope Axolotl will get some love in near future - Pinephone is out :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:
RE: wget mullvad VPN - PinePhone UB-Ports CE
@Capsia Wireguard is not yet supported on Ubuntu Touch :astonished_face: duh, thanks, ive not been aware. Should come later this year, right?!
RE: wget mullvad VPN - PinePhone UB-Ports CE
Thank you for your answer, i already did expect something like that! Ah, i think i did find it now: https://mullvad.net/de/help/how-turn-wireguard-mullvad-app/ WireGuard keys should be what i am looking for...
wget mullvad VPN - PinePhone UB-Ports CE
will this work? Install mullvad VPN via command line on PinePhone UB-Ports CE? Or do i need some sort of tweak? https://mullvad.net/en/help/install-mullvad-app-linux/ Will it route all updates and whole internetconnection through VPN? Or is it preferable to use their GUI? Thank you!
wget --content-disposition https://mullvad.net/download/deb/latest
sudo apt-get -y install gdebi-core && sudo gdebi MullvadVPN-XXXX.X_amd64.deb
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 80 Saturday 18th July At 19:00 UTC
@cliffcoggin - That was also happening in my case. I am searching for OTA-13, getting results from around 2016 and 2017. I guess this will diminish over time - in the next month.
RE: Ubuntu Touch Q&A 80 Saturday 18th July At 19:00 UTC
@ubuntoutou - I guess because it gets shipped with Postmarket-OS preinstalled. Its not native Ubuntu Touch.