These picture is the Meizu Flyme User help app.(It is Chinese because my main language is Chinese, I added some translation for it.)
I think Ubuntu touch should also have a app like this.
This picture shows a search input on the top.
The character “新手指引,老死机带你玩转Flyme” on the top means "A guide for these are new". Click it will show some tips of Flyme.
Blow it are some tips(also some ads, :<);
And then is Normal question(常见问题), click will show next picture
Some useful translation:
搜索问题=Search question
提交 Bug=log a bug
功能建议=feature request
全部专题=All topic(just a blog of flyme)
魅友知道=Meizu's fan Q&A(someone can ask a question, and other answer this question)

And this picture is the "Normal question"(常见问题), a Q&A by Meizu offical. It shows a list of what sort of question,such as use of communication apps (通讯), network(网络),setting(设置)
These really help when searching for a solution of a question. Rather than put all Q&A together.
some useful translation:
通讯=Communication apps
桌面与主题=Desktop setting and themes
系统程序=Core apps
系统工具=as same as core apps, I don't know why meizu set two instead of one.
帐号与安全=Online account and security
手机管家=phone Guardian
相机与图库=camera and gallery
电量管理=buttery manager
实验室=some test feature in flyme