Can open Reddit on PC but not on FP2 running UT. [Solved]
@Opolork said in Can open Reddit on PC but not on FP2 running UT.:
I'm using the uAdBlock app - could that be a possible cause?
Yes. I had the same problem after enabling the "StevenBlack Social Hosts" blocklist. May be others block it too.
@Opolork Just try switching uAdblock of. Does it work?. Switch back on without lists ticked. Try again. Then repeat adding a list at a time. Should give you the answer.
@Lakotaubp said in Can open Reddit on PC but not on FP2 running UT.:
@Opolork Just try switching uAdblock of. Does it work?. Switch back on without lists ticked. Try again. Then repeat adding a list at a time. Should give you the answer.
Hi Lakotaubp. I disabled uAdblock. Then tried Reddit on Morph again - no change.
I tried a reboot - still the issue continues.
Anyone else have an idea? :man_detective_light_skin_tone:
@Opolork Are you SURE that uAdBlock is disabled ?
Please try
If you don't see the paragraph about cookies uAdBlock isn't disabled.
If uAdBlock isn't disabled, close the app uAdBlock, open again uAdblock, and do again the procedure to disable. Check with my link.
If uAdBlock disabled, connexion is normal in OPO for me on reddit. -
Reddit works fine but i don't have any social media list active in uadblock. Try using utweaktool to delete any cache and config from UAdblock.
@Opolork your feedback..
It says, 'uAdBlock has been deactivated!'. When I disable uAdBlock, the Blocklists total reads as zero. To enable uAdBlock again, I must choose from the blocklist items again.
Both times, on that tennis website, I saw no message about cookies.
BTW - what is 'OPO'?
@malditobastardo Hi. That UT Tweak Tool tip worked! I now see the cookies message on that tennis website. Also - Reddit works in Morph with uAdBlock enabled (full blocklist) or disabled.
@Opolork you have achieved your goal of using Reddit. Congratulations!
. As you proceeded, uAdBlock IS NOW fully deactivated as you can go to REDDIT website and AS you see cookie acceptance paragraph in this tennis website (which is an example).
uAdBlock is a great tool but you have to do some checks to be sure of the situation you are in (enabled or disabled) and not necessarily rely on the application's message (enabled or disabled): it s been my experience.
OPO: the One plus One phone.
@domubpkm said in Can open Reddit on PC but not on FP2 running UT.:
Wait, so you mean if I can see the cookies message on the tennis site - that means uAdBlock is disabled (I found the wording regarding this in an earlier post to be a bit confusing)? But I go to uAdBlock and it says that it's enabled.
@Opolork Yes ! in my experience. If ALL uAdBlock lists were deactivated and after if i want to activate ALL the lists again, if i see cookie acceptance paragraph i say that uAdBlock isn't activated even if this app says it is !
Also do tests by yourself to be sure. -
@domubpkm said in Can open Reddit on PC but not on FP2 running UT.:
@Opolork Yes ! in my experience. If ALL uAdBlock lists were deactivated and after if i want to activate ALL the lists again, if i see cookie acceptance paragraph i say that uAdBlock isn't activated even if this app says it is !
Also do tests by yourself to be sure.I did a reboot, hoping that might solve the anomaly. No joy. I still see the tennis web page cookie. In uAdBlock - it has 2 options on the main screen - 'Update uAdBlock' and 'Disable uAdblock' - so it seems that uAdBlock is indeed enabled. I'm at a loss.
If uAdBlock is OFF => then you'll have ads and cookie acceptance
That's how you can check it's not messing with your access to Reddit.When uAdBlock is ON => it depends on the list you selected
Depending on the list you may find some test website to rely on to validate the actual status of uAdBlock.I don't have such a list, but it might be cool to build a collective one here.
And yeah it's a bit complex there is no straight answer. -
It's confusing that uAdBlock says it's enabled when it's not. What's the cause? Any fix?
This is a question to ask on the git(hub/lab) of the app. -
I just tried Reddit again - it now works fine even with uAdBlock on.