Can't update Aquaris M10 FHD Frieza
Just what you said, plugged to a wall socket and stuck at "installing ubuntu update" for an hour or so...
Last time I waited a couple of hours, since installer says it should take 5 minutes I assumed it was just stuck. I guess I'll try to wait longer this time...
Perhaps it would be a good idea to try a manual installation? Unfortunately I can't find the instructions; they used to be on the old device pages, but the link is gone from the new device pages... I just asked over there where to find the instructions nowadays :
Maybe @AppLee knows where to find them?
@hankschwie said in Can't update Aquaris M10 FHD Frieza:
Maybe @AppLee knows where to find them?
Sorry : no idea
I only went through flashing with my N5 one time and with the PinePhone.
Both were extremely easy. -
I thought that by doing a manual installation we probably are able to locate the "trouble spot", and get an idea what goes wrong here....
Hm. Sometimes it helps to use a TWRP recovery to clean the cache thoroughly. Perhaps it is worth a try,
Or have a look at this post: The trouble is: not enough space left in the cache...
Could you try an
adb shell df -h
command in recovery mode? That should show us the space left on the device, and the cache partition -
@nterr This is a bit odd. Did you choose the wipe option when installing (if you have backed up your stuff first). Try rebooting to recovery use the options to clear the cache and try again.
adb shell "df -h"
- daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
- daemon started successfully *
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 981.1M 36.0K 981.0M 0% /dev
tmpfs 981.1M 12.0K 981.0M 0% /tmp
9.3G 319.4M 9.0G 3% /data
3.8G 480.2M 3.3G 12% /cache
Well I tried already before posting what's said in this other post. But I can try all over again just in case I did smthing wrong along the way...
Tried too to install it a few different ways, using the wipe option or not, rc and stable...What's TWRP and how should I use it ?
TWRP is an alternative recovery, which offers quite a few things you can perform from "outside" the main system. It is flashed to the recovery partition of the device using fastboot - it replaces the recovery provided by UT or the original OS. It can be used to root android devices, create backups etc, or flash the whole system with custom-ROMs. In this case it could be useful to clear the cache partition completely.
You would have to download the image from the linked twrp-site, and flash the recovery as described on the the webside. Afterwards you would have to reboot in this recovery (adb reboot recovery), and then use the tools to wipe the cache, or perhaps even erase the whole system to retry with the UBports Installer.
Ok thanks, I'll try that !
Wiped everything successfully through TWRP. Tried again. No better luck... Stuck again...
I guess these manual installation instructions would indeed be the best way to understand where the installation goes wrong...
(thanks for asking in this other thread btw) -
Last thing I can think of: Try to flash a recent Android version onto the tablet, and then try again...
I hope we can relocate the instructions - but I can't find it on, I always end up on the new device page without the instructions...
Found this; , run installer as root...
I wiill check my spare drive ,see what i have,( looking for a twrp copy of m10 fhd )
Thanks, but trwp isn't the problem...We are looking for instructions to install UT for frieza manually, without the installer... -
you can flash any recovery ie ;- twrp with flashtool , go in and wipe it (clean up ) and reflash with flashtool, ( not using format all ) , and try again, it sounds like the recovery geting stuck.
or, use flashtool to flash, another copy of recovery , it takes about 12 seconds ,.
i was hoping i had kept a twrp backup of ubports, sorry , i only have android and ubuntu touch regular firmware.
my only other thought was :- the device you have is a m10 fhd and not an m10fh. sorry got to ask ? -
i have a twrp (restore ) copy for a m10 fhd ,if you want to try it , i will need time to upload it some where.
Ah, OK, I hope now I understand what you mean:
You think @nterr should use the backup you have made with twrp for an old UT installation to flash/restore his tablet via flash-tool, right?btw: its a FHD M10 (frieza), for sure; adb shell doesn't work with the recovery of the HD M10 (cooler), as I noticed when trying to do that with my HD M10
Could be worth a try.
@Marathon2422 said in Can't update Aquaris M10 FHD Frieza:
use flashtool to flash, another copy of recovery
What do you mean by that ?
@hankschwie said in Can't update Aquaris M10 FHD Frieza:
Could be worth a try.
Ok I think I got it too. Ya I could try that.
Btw, it's a FHD yes
You can flash other recovery images with the flash tool, too. It only takes a few seconds to do so. -
I may be lost here,
but wouldn't it be just the same as doing "fastboot flash recovery XXXXX.img" ?
and why would I want to do that, besides flashing twrp to wipe the tablet clean (which I did already) ?
Or maybe @Marathon2422 had something else in mind and I just didn't understand it.